This will be my last livejournal entry.
Anyone who can read this had been born into the luckiest of circumstances. You have been delt a hand that has defied all odds by putting you in a high seat of this crumbling world. We all have a burden that carries a weigh higher than any personal aspiration ever can, and this is to SHARE. I cannot, in my heart of hearts, accept this treachary of indifference. Silence is a heavy stone. A crushing boulder that will obliterate beneath its weight the whole of this world. Those of you who choose to live a closet life of splendor are inhuman. There is no excuse for you. If you don't care, then I am not your friend.
There is stuff to be done. The reason it doesn't work is because the sense of defeat is already instilled in our culture (what culture? reality tv). But I refuse to accept it. I am not a saint. I am not self-righteous. I am just a human fucking being. I've lived my life in a self absorbed egotistical bubble for 19 years, but its over now. I will no longer play in this nonsense drama of bubble boy fantasy. I'm done. I do love you all, but its too cold... too cold. There is too much pain and suffering. Too much lying. Too much masturbation. So if you're not with me, you're against me.
They spun a web for us all. We're all contributing to the systematic destruction of other cultures and the world in its entirety. The future is becoming extinct. If all the toils of the past have all surmounted to where we are now... and if this is where we are meant to be, then there is something terribly wrong with this picture. An empty picture. A sealed fate. Death. Die you flies. No woman no cry. Sex and drugs, yah, bling bling. Jessica Simpson reality tv. VH1 4 lyfe. I am drowning in this "cultural" sewage. Bob Marley's cool, though. Now that's a real artist. Nowadays it all just sounds the same, it all looks the same, your pop culture. All the same. Manufacturing human tools. You tools. Poor kids. This is what they have to look up to. Care more about your minor imperfections, blemish on your face, liposuction that peice of flab you disgusting burger king, tear that half inch of cartilage from your nose so the captain of the football team will use you for sex you dirty slut... while mothers in iraq have to worry if their child will be born normal or disfigured from the Depleted Uranium that we shower into their neighborhoods. A car bomb explodes killing 3 children in iraq that won't be coming to school the next day, blowing off the arm and leg of a soldier that has 3 kids at home, while your brushing your hair and fixing your make-up or pouring that bowl of cherios (american's heart associate seal of approval, biatch). But you don't have to fight, so don't worry... at least not yet. What is the price of a human life? Hmm? THINK ABOUT IT. Your freedoms and security is being compromised by the twisted will of a wealthy minority. The lives of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS are being liquidated for what??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Are you all insane? Who has a heart? who has a heart? who has a fucking heart? who has a heart? Are you fucking monsters? Its all good in fun and games when talking about eating babies, but how many of you would actually eat babies? Everyone who voted for Bush eats babies. Dick Cheney eats babies as Donald Rumsfeld ducktapes them with plastic wrap, while Bush plays in the sandbox. Who has a heart? What kind of sound does a
baby like this make when its coming out of its mother's womb? (
more?) Who has a heart? who has a heart? who has a heart? for goodness sake... just share. share. care. who has a heart?
Everything's going to be alright... everything's going to be alright.
Just close your eyes, darling.
... everything's going to be alright.