distractions, distractions...

May 14, 2009 19:49

I. Today I finished Lego Indiana Jones because I needed a cutesy Lego version of Harrison Ford fighting bad guys. For it is a happy thing that distracts me from tonight's finale. (Speaking of, anyone want to do a chatroom afterwards? So there can be hair pulling and rending of clothes or... whatever. I don't know, I need to keep busy.)

II. Thanks, iTunes, for making me want to do a music video again. One day.

III. Happy Birthday keepaofthecheez! You are all kinds of hilarious and adorable, as well as creative and kind. And many other verbs. My brain is crap today. I hope you have a nice birthday! ♥ And Brock Kelly, too. (It's a theme, this year. A theme!)

IV. Bones: ...WTF. That was... okay, I can't say much because that was basically an AU fic with amnesia cliché thrown in at the end of it, but I think about that as fic, not an episode. Oh, show. Although my immediate reaction to Booth's amnesia is thinking of Bobby Ewing in the shower, but then I thought of Eric Brady in the shower and Days of Our Lives/Jensen wearing a head bandage came to mind. I hate my brain sometimes.

TBL: Ugh, why did Helen win? Mike or Tara should have won. Not Helen! That was boring. I will just go back to Mike/Tara thoughts instead. (Oh, Mikey, so proud of you and your support for your brother. ♥)

V. Uh, what else? Work continues to eat my brain and I am devouring anything Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto related. Nifty.

vidding, supernatural, tv, birthdays

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