time flies when you're having fun.

Mar 15, 2009 20:42

I am ridiculously behind on comments and I promise I'll catch up, but I have three things I must say:

1) The lovely rejeneration put my name into ze equally lovely giventofly37's love meme here. I was surprised and all sniffly at the comments that were left, seeing as the end of the week was made of fail for me, so getting surprise comments like that was amazing and so very thoughtful. Aww. Thanks, everyone! ♥

2) Today is my 6th LJ anniversary! Six years and 1800+ entries later, I am... here. And amazed I stayed this long. Since high school. (Oh, the days of fail!Stef and high school/teenage angsty woes. Eeesh.) Thanks for putting up with my crazycakes? May there be more fun in the future. Whoo!

3) My mom and I scored tickets to see Tom Jones in July. FUCK YEAH. \o/ ...okay so that doesn't fit the theme of this post, but whatever, I'm doing my dorky ass Carlton dance in private.

music, memes, livejournal

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