they pulled me (back) in.

Jan 02, 2008 15:07

No heat + no internet + no drinks = Unable to work (no access to e-mail!) and thus, poking at MS Word. The internet problem's over with, but now I spam.

After talking to other SPN fans about what episode pulled me in recently, I watched Tall Tales again last night. I don't really rewatch episodes -- or movies -- a lot nowadays because I memorize stuff and then get bored/tired of it if I watch it too many times (ahah, this explains so much about my ficklefannishness). But that episode, I'll rewatch. It's not perfect, but it made me get off my ass and finish catching up with the series, which is a Very Good Thing.

And then there was this bit that made me laugh hysterically:

Dean: You think this is funny?
Sam: Depends. What?
Dean: *makes face* The car.
Sam: What about the car?

Caps from Bella Caps.

Dean's EXPRESSION and his little meh meh, making fun of Sam mouth noises before he goes, "THE CAR." ♥

It's one of my FAVORITE weird ass random moments from the episode. Besides Dean's burp after the purple nurples., what ep drew you in? Or we could talk about how much I love this episode that I want to make it an actual physical thing so I could glue myself to it hug it.

P.S. Ten Inch Hero trailer. Linking because I've only seen one post on the flist talking about it. For shame. Otherwise known as, I am too discombobulated and need to be linked.

P.P.S. wendy is hosting a New Years Resolutions challenge. I await to read morrre!

picspam, glee all over, job, picspam: supernatural

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