supernatural: 3x01 - the magnificent seven

Oct 04, 2007 22:47

It's been a long time, baby. Few months, to be exact. And what a wait that was. How you doin'?

  • First off, some mood music: Bachman-Turner Overdrive - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

  • Man, I am so GLAD I waited until now because usually I spoil myself constantly (oh, ye olde days of AtS and spoilers/foilers!). Saw the extended director's cuts and downloaded off of iTunes but resisted and I'm rambling, right. EEEEE.

  • Road So Far recap + AC/DC= still the greatest thing ever.

  • NEW SHINY TITLE CARD. It looks all CINEMATIC and swirly and DEMONIC (get it? swirly smoke ghosty massive war comin' on-ish?)

  • Anyone else think of Independence Day with the Black Cloud Of Doom floating overhead?

  • Hi Sam's nose that I made noises at! SHUDDAP, it's been months, I'll restrain myself.

  • Sam actually WAITING in the car as Dean did his thumbs up, his goofy dance, and oh yeah, Doublemint Twins. Man. It screams FIC to me more than actual show, and for me, that is a glorious, happy thing, I don't care, it just IS. Hi, Sam, you're lucky Dean only went so far with shadow puppet dancin' so you didn't have to see the whole bit.

  • SAM WALKING IN ON DEAN. Oh GOD. The fact that they actually SHOWED it, when the audience already makes the mental connection between scenes, now that's priceless. Sam's expression. "It's a beautiful, natural act, Sam." "It's a part of you I never wanted to see, Dean." Also, ha, does not deter Wincestuous thoughts whatsoever, sorry. C'mon Sam. You've seen it before. Loads of times.

  • Bobby: "So we're eating bacon cheeseburgers for breakfast are we?"

    Dean: "Well, sold my soul. Got a year to live. I ain't sweatin' the cholesterol."

    That high pitched sound you heard was me. UM. I HAVE A THING, OKAY, AND ITS NAME IS DEAN/FOOD. *cries with joy* Thus, I now have CANON to back up my mad one year plottin' things. YAY. Well, duh, it'd happen but still. FREAKING YAY.

  • Dean: "Candygram!"

  • We just watched one of the beginning scenes of Texas Chainsaw Massacre in my Film Horror class by coincidence today. So that whole scene of discovering the bodies? Made me friggin' NERVOUS.

  • Dean lying on the floor! Waving his hand! "Hello? Bleeding here!" WHY MUST YOU MAKE EVERYTHING CUTE?

  • His face during the appletini bit. Yeah, they're laying out the season's traits ahead in the opener as they would, of course, but it also ties into the seven deadly sins plot. At least, I try to be serious and think of that when my thoughts mostly consist of "DEAN! CUTE! FAAAACE!"

  • Dude, those green shoes were fugly. [/Dean]

  • I just about lost it when Dean started pulling the fake coughing/only got a year left bit but then Sam just looked resigned and crushed. From hilarious to broken in the span of seconds. Thank you, show, and I missed you. Might've been my favorite part of the night Sam-wise, because he was awfully quiet. (Which I guess would happen as he's upset)

  • Bobby has a forehead and head, omg. I'm really hoping Bobby'll be in this season more, by the looks of things.

  • Blonde Girl was okay. Not really a fan of the whole mysterious, conveniently disappearing, I'm Batman bit but eh, what can you do.

  • The whole CAR scene in Bobby's car. (Hi, Bobby's car? What kind is it? How long til fandom gives it a nickname? ;) ) I liked that despite Sam being angsty, he still has a little fun and scares the hell out of Dean. And then PUSHES HIM FORWARD AND SITS BEHIND HIM. Um, Dean's face? That may have been Dean's reaction to Top!Sammy sometimes in my head (dude, you're doing it wrong, c'mon, try it this way), only because I'm evil that way.

    Plus The "we just sit here with our junk in our hands?" Hi, show! I've missed your slash!

  • Um, eww at the Drain-o. Gah. That shit freaked me out more than the throats getting slit.

  • "What's in the booooox?!" Oh, Dean, never stop being your badass, dorktastic movie referencin' self. NEVER!

  • I didn't care much for the envy demon. I guess it's the actor or the monologuing, I don't know.

  • Dean is definitely a walking billboard of gluttony and lust. And I hope fandom remembers this. Okay, of course they do, have been for years now but uh, I'll be over in the corner just FLAILING about that.

  • regala_electra is porning at me. That's neither here nor there, but hi show for causing this!

  • Sam: "If we're going down, we're going down together, all right?"


  • Tamara? (Not sure how to spell it?) CYBERWOMAN! I liked her a lot (more than on Torchwood, that's for sure). I hope we see her again. I liked the relationship she had with her husband, even if they were both stupid for going into the bar. (Because yeah, a little bottle of holy water will surely kick everybody's ass!)

  • Dean getting mixed up with Lust! And the TUB OF HOLY WATER. That's AWESOME.

  • "Heeeeere's Johnny!" ...I'm sorry, it made me laugh, however cliché it was. The Pride demon was COOL. Though Blonde Girl and her whole bit -- kinda cool, kinda vague, so totally dark superhero DC Comics not Batman faux Batman--

    Dude everytime I look at her all I can see is David Cassidy and hear her singing "I Think I Love You" in my head (she has covered it. I have it on iTunes. *hangs head* What? RESEARCH!).

    ...yep, rewatching, still seeing the Partridge.

  • Sam, how can you be so BIG and PRETTY and yet constantly get choked? Although I will always love Dean comparing Sam to a girl so. *shrugs* I can't help it.

  • Man, the whole Sam/Dean conversation was every post-AHBL fic ever, no? Been there, done that, hi, it's nice to finally see it on screen even in a deja vu sorta way! Also, I LOVE Dean's attitude. Yeah, being an asshole, but the fact that now he's saying he's entitled after all he's done for the family -- I don't know, I liked it (at least, for now, because I can see him like this and then at times getting sad about it), especially with his low sense of self-worth in AHBL. Plus, Dean solves problems by being a stubborn big brother ("and that's that!") AND with FIRE! :D

  • I love Sam. I love Dean. That pretty much wraps up my reaction. BRING ON NEXT WEEK!

  • New fandom/season to flail over from the premiere, just like old times -- this is gonna be fun. :D

    Also! Happy Birthday abby_i! May there be porn. Or something less graphic. And if not today, then hope your weekend'll be fantastic. :D So CLOSE!

supernatural: recap, supernatural

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