imdb meme and itune-age.

Oct 03, 2007 21:52

The IMDB meme, snagged off grrliz:

[01] -- Look up TEN of your favorite movies on IMDB.
[02] -- Click the "trivia" link in the sidebar.
[03] -- Post a fun and random bit of trivia from each film.
[04] -- Tag everyone!

A Hard Day's Night
While Paul McCartney is singing "And I Love Her," the camera panning around him picks up an arc light that flashes straight into the lens. United Artists executives, reviewing the dailies and certain the shot had to be a mistake, asked producer Walter Shenson if he was aware of it; Shenson replied it had taken them all morning to get it like that.

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
In the DVD commentary, Carrie Fisher relates that during some of the London filming, she stayed a house rented from Eric Idle. Idle and the Pythons were filming Life of Brian (1979) at the time. One evening, Idle had a small party, including Harrison Ford and The Rolling Stones, and served a potent liquor (which the Pythons had been distributing to extras on their film, to help boost morale) that he referred to as "Tunisian Table Cleaner". They stayed up most of the night drinking and having fun. The first scenes shot the next day were the arrival at Cloud City, which she says helps explain why she and Ford were so happy in those scenes. Idle is said to be pleased that he had a small hand in how the finished film turned out.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
At 35 letters "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" has the longest title of any Best Picture Oscar winner in history. It surpasses the record previously held by Around the World in Eighty Days (1956) which has 26.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
The film contains several commemorations to director Alfonso Cuarón and his Mexican heritage. On the fountain in the courtyard in front of the clock tower, there are several statues of eagles eating snakes. This exact image appears on the Mexican flag. Also, among the many candies offered at Honeydukes are skulls made of sugar, which are a popular treat in Mexico on "El Dia de los Muertos," or the Day of the Dead. And, after Dumbledore says his final lines outside the infirmary, he goes down the stairs humming "La Raspa", the Mexican Hat Dance.

Superman Returns
Actors McG was screening before his departure include Jason Behr and Jared Padalecki for the role of Superman, Scarlett Johansson for Lois Lane, and Shia LaBeouf for Jimmy Olsen.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearli
The various "eunuch" lines were improvisations by Johnny Depp.

Vanilla Sky
The scene with Tom Cruise and Penélope Cruz in the street with a Wolkswagen van in the back is a perfect copy (cars, jacket of tom cruise, attitude of the women...) of the cover of Bob Dylan's record "The Freewheeling Bob Dylan".

The face of goblin Blix (played by Alice Playten) was designed after that of Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones. According to Playten, she thought up the idea, which was supported by director Ridley Scott. He then had Rob Bottin (special make-up effects) implement the concept.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show
One night, during a typical midnight screening at a New York theater, a patron was asked to leave before the film ended. This patron was accused of being an impostor. The patron was Tim Curry.

Army of Darkness
The magic words Ash must use to claim the Book of the Dead are "Clatto Verata Nicto" - a reference to "Klaatu, Barada, Nikto", the words used to command the robot Gort in The Day the Earth Stood Still.

ahh, all the Rolling Stones/Keith Richards trivia here cracks me up. Sometimes I spend hours on IMDB going from page to page with the trivia pages. They're FUN. And all movies should come with one on the DVD if they're gonna be shitty and just include a trailer (on bare bones packages). Make it a trailer and a trivia page, I say. Won't hurt. In fact, get rid of the 'watch these other films our company has made!' section and stick a trivia page in.

And those are my thoughts on trivia pages.

So the SPN S3 premiere is available for free on iTunes. I've downloaded it to boost the numbers but I won't watch it until it airs tomorrow night. 'Cause of work and beta-ing tonight. And my mom might kill me if I watch without her. I've waited since May; I can wait one more night!

I've signed up for the Halloween Ficathon over at Stranger Things. I haven't written Cordy/Angel since 2005. ...I hope my het isn't broken. o_O

Oh, Jim Sturgess, you sing and I want to dance. Embarrassing like.

list of favorites, supernatural, movies, memes, random hot men

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