[intro post] so you wanna be a rock 'n roll star.

Sep 01, 2007 20:00

wendy is hosting a SPN friending meme. Shoo! Go! Fondle!

Hello to new people! *waves* I've been writing up an intro post for the past two weeks (uh, not that it's novel length; other things keep popping up). And I totally cheated & used parts of the intro post for the meme but there are Certain Key Things (i.e. Dean/Food) that bear repeating. The last intro post I did was more than two years ago -- new one is long overdue, hopefully with more coherency!


My name is Stef! I'm a college grad. I majored in Film Studies. I'd like to work as a director, but I love everything about filmmaking -- directing, producing, screenwriting, hell even promotional material or just being a P.A. When it comes to LJ however, I've been trying to restrict myself to simply fandom topics only. It's what I have an LJ for, and what I predominantly read, which kind of relates to my own thing about friending people. (More on that later.)

I am a dork, and that's putting it lightly. I like to have a sense of humor and make other people laugh. At the same time, I can be sarcastic, but for the most part, my shyness gets in the way of that (hi, I lurk like a lurking overhanging rock outcropping...thing.) I'm a quiet person because half the time I'm friggin' nervous or like, thinking about something odd. (This may be something like marble columns are neat or the ups and downs of various Beatles hairstyles throughout the 1960's and 70's.)

But yeah. Dorrrrk. Shy and silly dork of the highest, most dorktacular order, dudes.

Online Things (a.k.a. how the hell did I get here?)

Been online for ten years, in fandom for six. Or ten if you include the embarrassing amount of time spent in RPG chatrooms. UH. My first fandom was Final Fantasy -- few months later, got into BtVS/AtS, dug Cordelia/Angel (before it got fucked up in canon anyway), met fannish people through Stranger Things, started to get into Photoshop and HTML, got a domain, made way too many fansites and fanlistings (dozens, insane y/y?). By '03, got an LJ due to friends migrating and I've been here ever since.

Fandoms & shows of interest that I've liked in the past include (in alphabetical order): Angel, Animorphs, The Beatles (RPS), Bones, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, DC Comics, Dark Angel, Dexter, Doctor Who, Farscape, Final Fantasy, Good Omens, Harry Potter, Heroes, Kingdom Hearts, Life On Mars, Lord of the Rings (RPS), The Office, Once Upon A Time In Mexico, Phantom of the Opera, Pirates of the Caribbean, Smallville, Star Wars, Torchwood, Veronica Mars, and others.

Once in a while I might babble about one of the above (i.e. new Doctor Who or Heroes ep, yay!), but occupying all waking thoughts my main love & fandom is Supernatural (show & RPS).

Trufax!: 'Ignited' is based off an old character I used to RP with. The name 'Burning Angel' was taken so I whipped out a thesaurus, saw 'Ignited', and the rest is history. This, however, does not bode well when I'm trying to search for stuff and scientific studies about gas pops up. Maybe it's farts. I'd like to think they're about farts.

Impala Fandom Looove

  • I love Supernatural. Lots. Haven't been this excited about a fandom in ages, and still have flappy hands of glee, even if I'm a late bloomer (i.e. this Spring). Dude, you show me Tall Tales and I'm tearing my room apart digging for those episodes I need to catch up on.

  • I also love Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and their fictional counterparts like burning. Ha, as if that isn't obvious. Also loving the Wincest and J2, so you'll usually find me referencing that (at least in the slash goggles sense because uh, they're very obvious). No, they are silly and so dorky together (uh, Jensen and Jared anyway. Except when, you know, Sam and Dean are too.)

  • Things that make my SPN (and actor related) happy meter go off: Girl!Winchesters, Alec, Priestly, Sandy, Jared being a dork, Jensen being a dork, Dean/Food, Dean/Sam/Food, uh, basically whenever the boys eat. The boys are switch hitters to me, 'cause as long as there's sexin', I am a happy camper.

  • I slash most of the time, but I don't mind het. I like boys, and I like girls. A lot. That may stem for my love of all things androgynous & drag and my tendency to dress in drag for Halloween (it's become tradition!), I dunno.

  • I have a lot of kinks. If it's got bodyswap, genderswap, or basically any category off the SPN Crack Fic list I will read it. Most of these kinks are vanilla, come to think of it (i.e. more weird ass than sex ones I guess) and I may talk about them. If these kinks aren't your cup of tea, please feel free to skip the posts! I mean no harm in this discussion.

  • Previous crack-ish fic endeavors include Harry Potter/John Lennon smut, Remus/Sirius genderswap, more Harry Potter/Beatles crossovers filled with double entendres, hair!kink, or the one with Sam's head in a jar, and the one where Dean is turned into a pig.

    Um, so I torture because I love, and as much as I joke about porn, frankly I'd rather be reading adventurous/casefile/episode fic with a comedic tinge. However, if there are elements deemed crack-ish, I will make flappy hands and DEVOUR it. I do write normal fic. Honest. ;)

Shiny Happy People Things

  • Music: The Beatles are my favorite band. *points to LJ title* I may kind of flail over them. Always loved 60's and 70's music though, rock, soul, pop, whatever, you give me something from that era and I'm good. Especially the Bowie. I've got really random music on the old iTunes though from many different genres and decades. This may account for additional fangirling over SPN for the music besides those two dudes and Dean's their car.

  • Movies: Film student, so I freaking ADORE movies, even if I don't get the chance to see them. And one film student of the terrible order, I'm guessing, because I like the weirdest shit like action movies and comedies and horror films (i.e. Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings -- in fact, seeing LotR's what made me want to get into directing!) I'm doing the 100 movies in 2008 thing so you can get a look at what kind of films I like or um, have waited until college to watch (hi, I'm too busy watching Return of the Jedi for the millionth time instead of other things?)

  • Television: I don't watch that much TV (I tend to suck at watching as they air) but! I do love a number of shows currently airing (Bones, Burn Notice, Dexter, Doctor Who, Flight Of The Conchords, Heroes, The Office, Supernatural, Smallville, Torchwood). If I remember, I'll post episode reactions, but I usually save the reaction stuff for SPN.


  • What you'll find here: Fannish flailing & discussion (I like to do episode recaps! With lists! And lots of 'oh DEAN' because how can you not?), picspams, graphics (icons, manips, headers), music, recs, links, movie reviews, silly posts that involve pictures & manips, comparisons/coincidences between characters/people, some RL stuff (like griping about work or hanging out, but I try to restrict the RL stuff because, as mentioned before, LJ is my happy place of COMPLETELY DORKING OUT.)

    Sometimes I may talk about spoilers for upcoming things BUT I always use an LJ cut and plain labels (i.e. Episode spoilers for 3x03 of SPN) because that's courtesy, yo. And LJ cuts in general for big photos? ARE NEAT!

  • Graphics: I like to use Photoshop to the amusement (icons!) or horror (manips!) of others. You can find that stuff listed in my tags -- icons and art. I don't have an icon journal yet (though I've thought about it). If you have any questions about graphics or layout stuff, don't be afraid to ask. :)

    I only post SPN icons now over at twofortheroad -- you're free to friend that comm than me if you're here for icons.

  • Fanfic: I like to write! Another reason why I love SPN is that it keeps giving me all these IDEAS, and fic comes out. You can check out the fics in the master fic list, ze tags by fandom or pairing or the fic tag. regala_electra is my enabler and the Dean to my Sam (and as a result, we write stuff together like Supernatural/Rocky Horror crack), so she encourages me to write and wtf, POST these stories. I'm just starting to do so with art and formatting because I like meeeedia!

  • Feel free to add me if you'd just like to keep up with icons, art, fandom-y things, I don't mind. Just add, remove, whatever! It's okay to defriend as interests can change. I tend to friend fannish journals as like I mentioned above, fandom is kind of what I'm here on LJ for. LJ: The Great Escape. Only, you know, less movie-ish. I don't automatically friend back though, just so you know. I'm a little hectic with catching up with things due to school and work, so please don't get offended if I don't friend you back. Keeping up with 200+ journals as it is can be a little hard! But if you do friend me, it's okay if you leave a comment saying so. Otherwise I get all o_O and wonder where people are coming from and WHY THEY WANT IN ON THIS MADNESS. Heh. Really. MADNESS.

  • If you'd like to comment on things, go ahead! If not, lurking is fine. I do it often. WHAT, I CAN BE SHY. (She says, while using capslock). No, seriously, I understand lurking. But hey, it's a free for all here. I like discussion just as much as Dean likes pie! I try to comment on the friends list when I can and if not it's because I'm a lame ass and might have nothing to say. But if you poke me to look I will do so! I get easily distracted by-- what, candy? What?

  • God, that's the longest thing ever. *stares*

    If you have any questions though, ask!

    *cracks knuckles* THERE. Now, I want you to tell me something about you! New here or not, I like learning more things. Or revising previous info in my head, I don't know. Surveys are neat, and I promise this one doesn't have blinky text and ginormous fonts. (Although uh, you can totally just link your comment/entry on that meme if you want instead.) ETA: I can spell, honest. Holy crap, I am out of it tonight.

    Fandoms you're into:
    Linkage! (Communities, sites, whatever):
    One or some of your favorite movies include:
    Music/bands you're into:
    TV shows you like:
    A song you love at the moment:
    If you had to pick a Beatle, it would be...:
    One of your favorite characters:
    Something you want me to know:

intro post, list of favorites, personal, livejournal

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