tiny and fierce!

Aug 30, 2007 19:03

There was fic last night, before I knocked out and slept like the dead. Very relaxing.

Life's A Kick In This Town
(Jared/Jensen, NC-17, 4,000 words)
AU, future!fic. Jensen’s never learned how to cook, didn’t have time, years rolling by and they never have time, except when they do-and that time’s spent working, in offices, on set, passing paperwork, barest touch of fingertips. Jared and Jensen are film producers (never actors) and have been best friends for more than sixteen years.

Haven't written RPS in ages and man, that felt good. I also tried out some different HTML tricks in the fic which made me happy and addicted. I like adding media and random things in fics! The ones with art and songs and additional things make me happy. Though they can be a pain in the ass to code, but I don't care, so future fics will have weird-ass manips and junk thrown in -- helps me express the visuals playing in my head (and thus, tendency to get a little wordy) when writing it. One day I'll try improving my drawing so I could put art too. Photoshop stuff is more than okay for now!

There is also Older!Jensen and Older!Jared in the fic and that combination right there makes me so happy, you guys. If I could, I'd write future!J2 for any J2. One word: experience. And greying temples and bellies, more mmm.

Meanwhile, though? Via moonilicious ( another pic here, too):

This? Is the embodiment of sheer Jaredzilla/Gigantor/wee!Jensen for me at the moment. Oh, Jensen. You are only 'officially' three inches shorter, you're 6'1" but standing next to Jared makes you look so wee! I kinda adore it. A LOT. I'm melting right now because there is no air in my room but SO CUTE AND WEE AND POUTY.

I want to rub his BELLY. oh god, NEED AIR. A/C. SOMETHING. ...belly!1!!!

Before I forget, music! VAST is my favorite band for writing/poking Photoshop, so here's some songs and one song that should be very familiar.

VAST - Be With Me
VAST - Evil Little Girl
VAST - Japanese Fantasy
VAST - Here

picspam, music, j2, supernatural, picspam: supernatural, fic discussion

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