scary sharp and last of the time lords.

Jul 01, 2007 16:24

Dear SPN Fandom,

I thought we were over the smooth faced/sharp eyes/creepy doll effect. They did a freaking episode showing evil dolls. That does not mean I want to see any version of the boys like that. Plz to be remembering that a) I do not see any wrinkles on them to call for blurring (looks more like Blur than the Smudge tool) and more to the point, wrinkles + blurring = um, why? Silly Photoshopped magazine covers (in general, not SPN related). And b) too much blur -> no scruffy Dean -> sacrilege!1!! Normal. Not normal. (With bonus normal and not normal featuring Johnny Depp as I think I wanted to rant months ago but never got around to it. Found it in the photobucket folder. Convenient!)

Also, I do not want to have to join your icon community to see your icon post. Do not crosspost everywhere and then expect me to join just to check out the icons. I am lazy.


P.S. You're lucky I'm too wiped from watching Doctor Who 'cause I'd talk about even more things. Speaking of...!

Doctor Who: 3x13 - The Last Of The Time Lords


No, seriously, dude, WHAT THE HELL. [/Dean]

I loved, loved the build-up from the previous two episodes (Hi, Captain Jack, I missed you and you being on a great show! -- uh, yes, I skipped to the last 2 episodes of Torchwood, breaking my 'you must watch all eps rule' because a) aghhaaahh b) that is why it took me forever to love SPN; the first few episodes weren't that good so I stalled a lot, c) aghhaahh! d) Jack/Jack, e) yeah, one day I'll watch all of the episodes but I couldn't care for anyone except Jack on the show and it felt like he was hardly there, and f) AGAHHH!)

Uh, so that ended up being my Torchwood rant. Maybe I will like it more in S2 now that Jack's not waiting for the Doctor. And maybe I will try to remove the Face of Boe thing from my brain. Haaaah. Ha. Uh. Ha. ANYWAY. Point.

(No, I just have to bring up the Face of Boe thing again because I think it's really freaking stupid. And sad. And I choose to be in denial because that is no way to end up.)

So I did love Martha, entirely, her personality, her doing things on her own terms, her bravery, all of it. That she left him. I loved the Master & Doctor relationship (of course I would; dying in his arms and David Tennant's acting? EEEEE.) Those parts, I loved. Did I mention I especially loved the Master too? That whole fucked up crazy world where everyone does his bidding (reminds me of Jafar in Aladdin, heh). But, overall, I didn't like the episode. That's the thing about Doctor Who and some plots I don't like in general, the whole 'it's all a dream/it didn't happen/let's just revert it, yay!' because on the one hand that can be good, and on the other, it's... I don't know.

Maybe it's just the execution of it that felt like a letdown. The fact that it took a year to clean up what happened, the way the Doctor got young again (although, uh, you know, I liked that they went all wacky with transformations because I am weird that way, we know this) and... FACE OF BOE, WTF.

Or it could be that I didn't have any coffee this morning and family bickering + watching this at 9 A.M. = cranky!belligerent!Face of Boe WHAT THE HELL!Stef. Could be.

I need to see Burn Notice soon. While resisting the urge to have a fourth cup of coffee. Not that there's any, but I will go down the street and buy some.

Or an Italian ice. I have no Italian ice. I am sad.

wtf, tv: torchwood, tv, doctor who, iconning

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