sitting on hands. it's a thing.

Jun 09, 2007 02:39

I would post something insightful or meta (i.e. Why Top!Dean Is Valid And True And Just. Discuss the pure awesome logic.) because I have been all jumpy and giddy about fandom again (it's been AGES, I think. Full fledged ridiculous flappy hands love.) but uh, my brain is still twelve years old and all wheezing, snorting giggling noises from Jared visiting Jensen at A Few Good Men. Sitting on hands, man. It takes gigantor and the sheer glee to make me act like this. That and getting Dark Angel S2 cheap.

Saw Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End last weekend.

Overall, it was a pretty, rollicking adventure that half the time made no sense, but in a good way that I didn't care if I didn't think too hard about it. Kind of like a lot of old action films I love (i.e. The Mummy. Hey, I just watched it three weeks ago, shh.) It didn't piss me off as much as Dead Man's Chest, and now if I watch all three films in one go it would be a nice afternoon. The last time I saw DMC was in the theater, but I managed to remember more story details than I thought I would for this one, which was helpful even if by the end of it I had no idea what the hell was going on.

Sometimes I can throw logic and cranky film overanalysis out the window to like movies. Sometimes. I blame Jack Sparrow. The numerous Jack Sparrows. (Which, holy shit -- I LOVED all of that. Man. I didn't think they'd pull something like that but they DID and I HEART.) And KEITH RICHARDS. Damn. He was spot on. Loved that they didn't directly go all father and son route. Obviously it's confirmed but it could've been corny but it wasn't. He nailed it.

Only major quibbles was Norrington (exit = LAME) and the Will/Elizabeth storyline by the end (um, so staying after the credits makes me see red and rage, why yes, Elizabeth, stay home and wait for your Pre-Keith Richards Jack Sparrow Rip-off Will to come back to you. What, he was wearing a bandana and an earring. Just like the pre-viz of Johnny).

Snagged off starstillwonder:

Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance does it have blah blah, etc.

○ superman; intense
└ up, up, and away! (action comics #839)

My favorite Superman artist is Renato Guedes and that's one of my favorite panels ever -- right from the Up, Up And Away! storyline after Clark lost his powers for a year in the wake of Infinite Crisis and he got them back and kicked ASS. So there he is all bad ass and ready to jump back in the game to help protect Metropolis after his 'abscence'. Also, just reminds me of the time I squealed when Guedes added me on ComicSpace because dude, you have no idea. I fangirl HARD.

◙ heroes; love you
└ © iconzicons. so very, very canon. shh.

Keywords, man. Just. Peter, in the hospital, and Nathan comes to visit, yes? And he's so worried bout his brother, kisses him on the cheek and that, my friends, is why I love the Petrellis. Not just because of the 'cest, yeah, but that relationship they have, gen or not, I just love watching them. The push and pull, the need, and they're pretty good in the touching department, which is always full of Bonus Points.

♪ dhani; tapestry
└ rock on, beatle kid, rock on.

Dhani Harrison, son of George Harrison, a.k.a. spot-on George lookalike but a very talented and funny young man. This is from his interview at home in Friar Park during the Concert For George. He's now in a duo called thenewno2 and I love being able to hear him sing, actually sing because other than that it'd been just back-up work. I admire him for the way he carried himself in the wake of his father's passing and his desire to keep his father's memory alive. Oh, Beatle kids. ♥.

◙ dw; curious
└ love, love, love martha. so very much.

Martha Jones from Doctor Who -- a cap from the premiere, an icon I hurriedly did because I love her, so much. Though I miss Rose, I love Martha -- her personality, her crush, her desire to help, her curiousity and how the Doctor sometimes doesn't realize what's standing in front of him and what he's missing. And, on a shallow note, her clothes. Which is funny because I normally don't pay attention to actresses' clothing but... I do now?

Ψ sam; nancy pants
└ © erithegreat. bitchface ftw!

My favorite moment of Tall Tales in which Dean's interpretation of his cock-blocking brother is a jealous gay lover type. Also very handy for the genderswap fic regala_electra and I are writing together (currently 12,000 words and still not finished, whee!) Why this icon, you ask? Come back when the fic's posted. In the meantime, I'll go back to admiring the dork that is Sam Winchester.

♥ jared; fairy
└ jaredina! confused face! wand! dude, stop being so adorkable!


Papa Ackles. Skittles. Surprising Jensen. Present. SURPRISING HIM.

oh, but I did sneak in a reference to Jaredina and he's holding a feathery wand-type pen. This is my "Jared Padalecki is too precious for this world" icon.

Ψ dean; please
└ the required 'oh, dean!' icon.

Dean in Salvation, when Sam shoves him up against the wall and then they commence with the-- hey! and this is one prominent 'Oh, Dean!' moment of many. He doesn't want his brother to go off and die for revenge -- he won't let him. He's the only family he's got. That needs protection. Man, I love this show. Lyrics are from VAST's "Don't Take Your Love Away". My love for VAST is infinite, and merits placement on an icon of a character I love just as much.

Ψ sam; was a girl
└ when i was a boy, see that picture? that was me / grass-stained shirt and dusty knees.

It's a pain in the ass to manip Sam as a girl. I got Dark Angel S2 recently and flipped out at Ashley Scott in the DVD extras because of her hair. Few clicks later and we have a visualization for the Girl!Sam in my head. It's a little representation of the genderswap fic I mentioned above and the solo one I'm also writing (that's 10k. How have I written more than 30k of fics in 3 months? That is a GOOD thing). Keywords are from Dar Williams' "When I Was A Boy" -- fantastic song.

Today is raelala's birthday and now I must get my ass to bed so I can go celebrate with her and my other LJ people and purple nurples later. Speaking of, GIP, for I am the Sam to regala_electra's Dean. However, not as tall. There's always apple boxes though.

jaredina, smeckles, movies, movies: pirates of the caribbean 3, movies: 2007, memes, tv: dark angel, j2, tv, iconning, birthdays

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