we could be heroes.

Apr 17, 2007 23:24

I. Spent the weekend doing karaoke and hanging out with my girls, which is described in detail here and linked because I love Rae and she's all organized whereas it finally hits me that I got up in front of a group of people and sang, badly, but I did do back-up on regala_electra's Carry On My Wayward Son and sang on one too many SPN related songs. Renegade (my ringtone, ha), Hair of the Dog (but Reg got that, I don't remember the words), Highway To Hell... etc. etc., there was a lot of singing and debauchery and Reg wore her Sam Winchester Fucking Boots so she kicks ass, we all agree on that, yeah? Yeah.

We talked SPN meta up until 3:30 A.M. (which was fun to get a better grip on in discussing the characters; new fandom, new knowledge, oh joy of joys!) when we got back and talked about one genderfuck story that's now become really The Best Thing Ever and you ask why? Why, I tell you, because regala_electra is a friggin' genius and there is nothing better than listening to her Dean-speak lines because yeah. So what was once a decent little story will be something far more torturous and frankly That Much Awesome-er and I've got 10 pages of notes that I'm still loving and giggling at. Ahh. ::hearts my Reg so::

I've got that but I think I might sign up for a SPN ficathon. Willingly. The deadlines make me stick to my guns and turn 'em in by a certain date, which is good even if I have to remind myself it's not like they're class papers (but uh, good mentality behind that?)

II. Dean: "What's a P.A.?"
Sam: "I think they're kinda like slaves."


I am ECSTATIC about this episode for obvious reasons but this exchange just nailed it. Because it's so true. Got a little experience in that area and in the little I have, unfortunately I haven't run into any cute P.A.'s like Dean. I also loved the Inexpicable Shot of Dean's Crotch (toolbelt but um, other than The Tool, there aren't any tools on his front but on his hips instead, agh just writing that sentence I'm done and over with). Sam's look at the Gilmore Girls reference was hilarious and he looks so big in that tram. Just. ...Yeah. Ben Edlund writing and that makes me happy because his previous SPN episodes were great and he wrote Smile Time. Smile Time, my friends.

III. Doctor Who: 3x03 - Gridlock

I really liked this episode, loving Martha even more. Brannigan and his wife were hilarious. It was kinda creepy though, the sad way the people had to keep driving for so long. One of those awkward things I didn't like because I think I'm picky about post-apocalyptic situations. Or getting a sore ass from being stuck in a car too long. Nice to hear about Gallifrey and see Ten angst.

IV. Ed Norton to play the Hulk. Gotta say that I'm fine with that even if I still heart Ang Lee and Eric Bana's version but if they had to have another guy instead of Eric do the Hulk, I'm glad it's Ed. That has nothing to do with ridiculously geeky love for King Baldwin, no siree. And Eric has a new movie, plus Lucky You coming out soon so also, very happy, even if I'm a bad fangirl for not seeing Munich yet (that has Daniel Craig too, so I have no other excuse for missing it.)

V. Brandon Routh. New pictures. Nothing spectacular, just new pictures and nifty hair again, yaye.

VI. Having spoiled myself silly, I want to see Ten Inch Hero so badly. Hope they show it over the summer in NYC at a festival. One can dream of mohawks. Which I did, last night, along with cookies. I don't know what that says about me, but it's a hell of a lot tamer than last week.

comics, hanging out, movies: ten inch hero, supernatural, rhymes with mouth, doctor who, fic discussion

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