update! uh. i can't do subject lines.

Apr 13, 2007 02:46

I. Doctor Who! I had to do a quick catch-up with DW because after Doomsday left me massively depressed and unable to watch again (I rewatched the ending the other day for god knows whatever reason and I started to cry hysterically, even after months, so I doubt I'll ever watch it again unless I... need an excuse to cry hysterically. Uh. Maybe for motivation if I ever get into acting. Yes. ANYWAY), so I watched The Runaway Bride for the first time (episodes collecting dust = hobby of mine). It was funny, and then I watched Smith & Jones and holy shit, you guys, I'm head over heels in lust love with Martha.

I wasn't really wary of her to begin with -- I like Ten/Rose as much as the next person, but wasn't foaming at the mouth in anger at a new companion, y'know? So Martha, I love. Fucking adore, even. Girl's talented, funny, awesome, and there's too many lines in that episode and the next for me to quote. It's been days, so you all got the gist of it. I loved the first two episodes of S3 and I can't wait for more. Realized I really, REALLY missed Ten and his crazy hair, his mad grin, and his random bursts of ideas, of creativity, those little lines around his eyes when he smiles and just... yeah. In general. All of that.

II. During my spring break I've watched most of S2 of Dark Angel. I love Alec like burning. I think I may need to watch S1 though because a) Wikipedia and the internets are for porn good for explanations but I should actually know canon things & 2) that nagging, slight OCD need to watch everything in order. And, you know, it makes more sense to watch in order. Only, Max/Alec, I now love, and that's just plain freaky 'cause of the Alba. Stupid happy-go-lucky sociopath.

III. Eye doctor on Saturday. Contacts, please, because my glasses look permanently fogged up from all the scratches. It's an active lifestyle, crashing into doorways and being prone to clumsiness. Things get damaged. Boobs get bruised. Which has nothing to do with glasses; I guess I just have them on my mind tonight.

IV. Speaking of boobs, it's not finished yet but I am doing an overhaul of my recs memories categories because why sift through all the SPN crack fic when your very own pocket ignited does it for you? For now they're all listed in the SPN recs section but they'll soon be individually listed by crack genre of my weird kink choices (body & genderswap). Read and sigh, my friends. Read and sigh with love.

V. This is the bullet point dedicated to a blue mohawk, even if I can never get rid of the nagging feeling that Jensen's too pretty for facial hair and that leads to weirdness.

VI. Very behind on comics reading lately -- I picked up the first two issues of BtVS: Season 8 along with the usual regular stuff. The BtVS issues were fine but not spectacular. I went and bagged/boarded all my BtVS/AtS comics a week ago and it turns out I have more of those than DC ones. I forgot how much I used to collect them. Almost had a full run of BtVS too, at least, until the local comics store closed shop and I stopped buying. I think it's those, and the books, that really cemented my love with BtVS. No budget so you could do whatever, and The Gatekeeper Trilogy is one of my favorite trilogies ever because I'm a dork and dude, the Medici family, creepy houses, Springheel Jack, Angel, and yeah. I loooove. Anyway, I liked the old comics and the grandiose settings and storylines. I wish they'd hired Cliff Richards to pencil the S8 issues; the man could draw the cast like no one else and did so regularly for years. Here's some examples of his work. So yeah, I see a lot of people talking about the new issues and I kinda think, um, go look in a bargain bin for the old ones, you won't regret it. That isn't to say Joss isn't doing a good job. I think he is, I liked the small Angel series he co-wrote after the regular comic finished (this is all years ago, like 2004? 2003. Season two. Something.) But I'll wait around.

I haven't read any Superman comics because they keep fucking with the release schedule and it's pissing me off. I did pick up Action Comics #847 because of Renato Guedes pencilling -- my favorite Superman artist. ;) The ending of the recent Superman/Batman storyline was horrible and I should've waited for the trade had I known the art would turn completely craptastic by the end of it (Matthew Claaaark, where are you?). Did not need to see steroid pushing boys in tights, no, however in love they may be. What else... I haven't picked up the latest JLA either because once again, storyline, lost interest. I'm fickle. I think I'll go back to rereading Young Justice or old Superman issues or... Infinite Crisis finally. A lot of the recent stuff about Supergirl has lowered my interest slightly if only in frustration and I've got an essay or two buried in me thanks to the Feminist Sci-Fi class I've been taking this semester. But, all in all, procrastination with comics is FUN! Or sad, depending if the issues have been crappy.

But then I remember Marvel Zombies vs. Army Of Darkness and that, that will never be nothing short of cool.

VII. To whoever gave me the little userinfo tree, thanks! Even if now planting trees leads to thinking about cemeteries and naughty things lurking around gravestones with slayers, vampires, and hunters. In a nifty way. It's a fun place, my head!

comics, tv: dark angel, btvs/ats, smeckles, tv, happy-go-lucky sociopath, doctor who

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