LONG: All This Blood (Under My Skin), Remus/Sirius, NC-17

May 31, 2005 22:32

Title: All This Blood (Under My Skin)
Author: Ignited
Pairings: Remus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Dirty talk.
Wordcount: 4,626
Summary: Leaving school, surviving the war, and all the ways of failing in the between time.
Notes: For the pornish_pixies May Fantasy Fest. piasharn requested: "Sirius/Remus post-Hogwarts, but not long before James and Lily's deaths. First time, but with a(n implied) history of unrequited sexual tension. Buttsex. Rough. Hard. Dirty." Many, many thanks to anniesj and regala_electra for inspiration, as well as beta-ing.

( All This Blood (Under My Skin) )

fic: hp, remus/sirius, fic

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