Mar 21, 2005 21:54
"In the meantime, I can tell him a few things about good jests. A really funny joke is usually at somebody else's expense. And the problem with that is that in this life "somebody else" has a way of shape-shifting into a personal pronoun. A me for instance-or a you."
"remote and withdrawn, The lives around me are full and pre-occupied. I am surrounded by an isolating membrane that only the strongest most demonstrative love can penetrate. I want to cling, but I sense that my fierceness will repel."
"Don't-don't go. Don't carry it to someone else this time. Tell me about it if it is something human. Let me into your grief. I'm not so much unlike other folks as your standing there apart would make me out. Give me my chance."
"in the dictionary in my mind, "want" and "need" are synonyms"