Apr 26, 2019 20:59
About to send a 6 page document detailing Shane's history to Aron so he can read it first thing tomorrow.
Also about to send a 7 page document detailing my impressions of Flora and my request so he can go over it in person with me, if need be.
I am so nervous.
If that sounds like a lot, both documents were originally ten pages at font 11. They were mini novellas and I realized it was probably going to take him half an hour to get through, let alone process that shit.
I am so damn nervous.
I have managed to trim them down to approximately 6-7 at font 12.
Goddamn it. I didn't want them to end up being that long.
He has said multiple times I am free to express myself, voice concerns, talk to him about whatever, but I am still... I just don't know. He is so very protective of her, and she has been nothing but warm and welcoming to me, and has treated me like a person rather than romantic extension of her brother.
I told him several times how friendly she has been, that we've had fun chatting in person, that I would love to play games with her sometime and hang out at the movies. I think he believes me, but still, he is incredibly protective of her, and her depression will make it very, very difficult to form a genuine friendship.
I hear about her all the time and it's like, here is this really fun person who is important to me but you can't be friends with her or even really get to know her because she's got mental illness and refuses to leave the house for long periods of time but I am still going to reference her every chance I get and you can't be friends with her yet because she's battling depression. She's nerdy and you two will get along fine but she doesn't leave the house, so you won't be able to interact with her, really. But I see her every three days so I'm going to keep talking about her and referencing her all the time.
That's what it feels like.
I don't know how to keep handling that. These flashes and glimpses of this really fun, bubbly, welcoming person who silently suffers and never leaves the house but is so integral to Aron's life? This person that I cannot interact with because she primarily socializes with him and keeps to herself all the time?
I don't know what to say. I don't.
And I am so nervous he will read my request and think I'm crazy or unstable.
All I asked was that he not reference her like every conversation.
But he might still think I'm crazy.