I'm working 60 hours a week and I'm tired. I'm sick of working two jobs.
TNG thinks I still have a thing for Ross because I made the mistake of uploading photos of him onto Facebook. It's a long story, but I feel like shit and I don't think I should, because I can be friends with whomever I want. Ross and I were swimming at the lake...in a huge group of people. This, combined with the non-stop fat jokes, is starting to wear me out. I'm becoming distant and cold and I know it but there's no way to stop it. I'm crying every night. There's definitely something wrong with me. I shouldn't be getting this worked up over a few fat jokes and a mild case of jealousy.
This is all compounded by the fact that I found a Facebook message from his closest girl friend who said that I was boring and stuck up and that he could do better. I don't know this girl too well, but both times I've hung out with her, I find her abrasive and intimidating and it makes me uncomfortable that TNG seems to be so close to her. But I didn't say anything because I think I trust people too easily. In any case, that really upset me.
There's nothing terribly wrong. I'm probably just overreacting. And my situation is worsened by the fact that I don't think that I deserve him. I don't know why he's dating me. I'm not pretty or very smart. I'm not talented at anything. I'm not athletic. I'm just ... well, boring, like his friend says. So I feel like I can't complain about anything because I'm not worth trying too hard for.
I don't know why I'm even bothering to post these. They're not good. I just got really attracted to leaves.