Writing Meme 2009

Jan 02, 2010 13:04

due South
This is not that story aka the one where Frannie gets turned into a frog. Elaine/Frannie
not a story a Kowalski/Frannie scene
Somebody had to and its sequel Elucidating Welsh/Huey. Because apparently it didn't already exist.
a night before christmas F/K/V
Phenomenal Cosmic Powers (itty bitty living space) Ray/Ray + Fraser
Swans F/K

Golden Rings Hardison/Parker/Eliot

Showing some restraint Shawn/Gus
Not even a little Shawn and Lassiter unslash
Candles Gus/Lassiter
Meanwhile, back at the hotel room... Shawn/Lassiter
Plus that time Rynka and I amused ourselves by writing Gus and Lassiter at each other in comments.

Star Trek: Reboot
Better than Delta Vega Scotty!
Doves Chekov!
Geese Scotty again!

The one with too much candy John +/ Rodney
Edges John/Ronon

Partridge Dean/Castiel

Black Books/Psych

Several universes destroyed by sex various fandoms, various pairings
One song long ficlets various fandoms, various pairings
Eight entries in the due South kink meme
Birds Kitten fandom crossed with Life/Standoff, YuYuHakusho, and due South

Plus 2 unpublished WiPs, both of which have seen by a few friends.

Best story: Ummmm. I'm going to go with Phenomenal Cosmic Power (itty bitty living space). I think it has a good balance between drama and humor, when usually I achieve one of the two. And I had a lot of fun with the incidental names -- most are anthropologists, and four are a book title and author from the coffeeshop.
Favorite story: Today, Phenomenal Cosmic Power. Tomorrow, possibly Showing Some Restraint. Or Partridge. I'm fickle.
Most fun to write: The Twelve Days of Fic that I'm in the middle of right now. It's a challenge, yet I know I can only do so much in the time I have, so my expectations aren't crazy-unrealistic high.
Hardest: Edges. It was the first long(ish, for me) story I wrote after my writer's block inducing hormone-thingy was addressed, and I wanted to do too much, I think. Also, SGA's inconsistent universe thwarted most of my attempts at humor. Darn you, SGA!
Most shifted my perceptions of the characters: I'm going to go with the Welsh/Huey fics. Because it stopped seeming crazy. o.O
Most under-appreciated by the universe: An unfair question at the moment, since a good number of these stories just went up, so they haven't had time to be appreciated. Also, and as per usual, I fail at using comms, so I'm sure many of these haven't been seen beyond the flist.
Sexiest: Hens/Miller time, the Supernatural/Leverage crossover. Total PWP, but I like it.
Sexiest single moment: In Nectarine, Charlie eats a (wait for it) nectarine. And it is sticky-sweet-sexy, if I do say so myself.
Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you: I mentioned the kink meme. (second response on that last one) Well, the answer is in the two I haven't linked.
Disappointment: That I still don't have the attention span to finish the WiPs.
Biggest surprise: Seabreezes, despite its funny moments, came out more melancholy than I expected considering the sources.
Unintentionally telling: Nothing specific comes to mind, though I do catch certain words and actions repeating when I reread several in a row.
More, less or same amount of fic as you'd expected: More. Good lord, more. Did you see how little I wrote last year? This is fantastic.
Unpredicted fandom/pairing: Star Trek: Reboot. I've read Star Trek: TOS slash, sure. I was sufficiently excited by the movie that I went by myself to see it (the first time). I never expected to become fannishly engaged with it.
Writing risks and what you learned from them: Eh. Nothing springs to mind.
Goals: To finish out my Twelve Days of fic. Maybe complete one of those WiPs.
I'd like to thank the academy... dessert_first and sisterofdream for so many reasons. To me, you guys are fandom.
izzy for the initial beta of my dSSS and for sharing her Scotty fics with me (I was more of a previewer than a beta on them). china_shop for playing in the wacky world of Welsh/Huey with me. The Sunday girls for putting up with me when I'd rather whine than write and for reading above and beyond the call of fandom. Every one who has left me a prompt. Every single one of you who's ever commented on any of my stories -- and every one of you who reads them and for whatever reason doesn't. I know I'm not writing into a void, and that keeps me going.

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