...with Kung-fu action grip and...

Oct 14, 2007 22:04

Dear Seekrit Santa,

Hi! It's possible you don't know me--or you do but find me mysterious, which is cool.

First off, thank you! Whatever you write, I will be thrilled because someone wrote for me. Seriously. I am not strongly OTP-ish, nor am I married to any one particular trope. I had trouble coming up with DO NOT WANTs--I even struggled with will not writes, though that's neither here nor there. So, if you've already got an idea... go with it!

But if you're panicking over the lack of guidance...the things that will make me especially happy? Like I mentioned in my request, I love first-time fic, but I mean that pretty broadly, from the first date (or even first realized date) or the first kiss, to the first time they went "all the way," right up through first-time bondage. I like the insecurity of firsts, which is partly why one of my requested pairings is a threesome: figuring out the balance between three personalities (or the addition of a third person to an established relationship) is tricky.

Not to say I won't be thrilled to get a domestic fic! I do love reading about the boys being happy, successfully past the worries and into the ever-after.

I love wit and sarcasm and snark. Overall, my sense of humor aligns better with the zinging one-liner than the absurd (with the exception of Eddie Izzard, master of both). Humor in fics is greater than great; truly crack-y fics are a bit more hit or miss with me. The main difference is cohesive characterization--even if the boys are in a completely bizarre situation, if they act recognizably like themselves, I'll eat it up.

As far as explicitness goes, that's entirely up to you. Warm-fuzzies, a kiss, a fade-to-black, a down-and-dirty sex scene... it's all good. I read and enjoy dS fic at all 'ratings' levels, and my squick button is permanently broken--I can't think of a kink I won't read. (Restraint is a personal favorite, she adds.) If you can/do write a sex scene, that's awesome; if not, I sooo understand.

[Okay, the thing about the cars? That is in case you, dear Santa, are a writer of the kind who prefers a prompt to get started. I do not get the Rays' love of their vehicles. Seriously. So any fic that explains it/explores it/uses it as a metaphor is very welcome.]

And finally, an admission: my pairing requests are in order of preference, though I do enjoy them all.

So, there you go. Feel free to have a look around the place...

requests, fandom: due south

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