Super Henshin Deluxe Adventures of Fail!!

May 24, 2009 21:38

!Team Fail! Meet Failsuke and Failjiro.

Together, they will right wrongs and triumph over evil, okay that's copyrighted save the poor forest animals-- from the FOREST.



The river blocked our way! Undaunted, we raced across the bridge behind a crazy Ukranian lady's house. This lovely sunset awaited us.

Walking in the woods is truly a challenge 8\ Come on Failsuke, you can do it!

The Linda plants shall be defeated by my camera 8|

Trees! Dangerous trees! Quick, Failsuke, use your crotch cannon! (see footnote)

...while I watch.

And with this feather!

And this pine cone, we will punish you, in the name of Fail!

Footnote: Failsuke's packing heat 8)....

so happy, failsuke & failjiro, sequels have cheap shock value, some kind of weird story, so tired, loren has a camera, this is my awesome friend of awesome

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