Feb 22, 2010 22:10
You know, lately I thought to myself 'what kind of post haven't I done on here?' Well, anon talky ones and creative ones bad orca fanfiction aside.
Aaaaand I see that one 'get to know u,' meme around. Which I kind of like. But I won't do it fully and here's why. I won't answer any question people ask. I just can't. So, I won't say something like 'I'll answer any question ever honestly.' It's just not happening for certain very very personal ones.
So. Imma sorta do that meme but not really 8|. General anon post works too if someone just feels like babbling anon about something. Or tell me something you've wanted to or whatev.
We may know each other but do we know each other? Here is your chance to ask me any question you want and have me answer it honestly! Seriously. ANYTHING.
Except in my case put 'almost' before anything cause yea. There are a few I won't, sorry.
loren has deep dark secrets,
do my meme foo',
not flocked for once