Don't hop on the bandwagon...burn it down 8)...

Dec 12, 2009 17:24

Droppin' down this meme thingy! Bandwagon go~ For my Discedo characters at least.

series: Persona 3
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ; I can tag with him when I'm half-dead, sleeping, zombified or sick. Unlike my other characters, I don't need to think when I post for him, I just play. I've internalized his complexities and development (as I see them) to the point where it never seems like work. Plus I love the guy. I don't think I've ever been so attached to playing a character.
cast strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □; Cast is good/awesome/etc, but Shinjiro isn't a cast-dependent character, so it was easy to play him with just 1 cast mate, or over half a dozen. I love the Discedo Persona cast in general right now ;-;
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■; Mostly because of his in-game development (running a bar and such) and his awesome CR, I find it pretty easy to plot with Shinjiro. His 8| gets in the way sometimes... I try to avoid plotting bad stuff for him these days (deaths, etc) because he seems to get a shitload of that anyway.
likelihood of drop: □ □ □ □ □; Nowai. Not gonna happen, ever. He's along for the ride until the end, as long as I can find a computer to play him on.

series: Kikaider (anime)
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □ ; Saburo is off and on like a lightbulb. Basically I've got 0 problems playing him in creeper mode. When I try to develop him, or if he ends up in a situation that's never been shown in canon, I get a little.. hesitant. He's not even in the series much. There's enough for a definite personality and some depth, but I'm just not sure where to draw the line.
cast strength: ■ ■ □ □ □; Well, he's got Jiro. It's an awesome Jiro 8| but I'd love more cast-mates from Kikaider anime or OAV. Since SOMEONE said they'd be apping Gil, it might happen.
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ □ □ □ ;Plotting with Saburo frustrates the crap outta me. He's so creeper lone wolf and easily bored, so it's rather difficult. I did love all the fail family development he's had with Alpha and Cube at Discedo. <.< but even that rarely required much plot beforehand. Just drop 'em in a fishbowl and see how the fail goes.
likelihood of drop: ■ ■ □ □ □; I don't want to... but it's a possibility.

series: Broken Angels
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ ; Good, better...maybe not best, but I have a lot of fun playing Sunao. Her voice is pretty easy for me. She's made of complexities beneath the simple-ness though. I just hope I'm getting them right. She/her canon can seem pretty confusing at times.
cast strength: □ □ □ □ □; Ain't got none, never gonna get. Broken Angels is waaay too obscure. Though I'd love a Kureha someday ;-; I'm not expecting cast-mates. Luckily she's another character who gets along well without them.
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ □ □ ;Meh. About average. She's good for the 'lets save ppl in trouble' situations and some humorous ones. She's not a 'works well in a group' kind of person though, so that makes it a little difficult to insert her into the larger plots.
likelihood of drop: ■ □ □ □ □; Low possibility. I'd have to be like... dying and unable to RP.

discedo charas, s brigade, go go meme rangers, trio of fail

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