In which I instruct you how much to pity me.

Oct 14, 2009 10:17

Okays, just went to the dentist again. Not fun.

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thecaretaker October 14 2009, 10:18:07 UTC
Brave you! Luckily you can still type instead of talk.

My dentist gave me the molar he pulled to me. I've since thrown it away, but I kept it in a jar.

Doesn't ibuprofen thin out your blood? Which would be a good reason not to take it when you've got a hole in your mouth. Luckily wounds in your mouth tend to heal really fast due to the amount of bloodvessels in there.

Hurray for drool :p


iflie October 14 2009, 10:45:42 UTC
Yes I need to type to feel better about the not talking!

Well I don't need to keep it when it's a bad degraded one, but as a kid I did keep my teeth. They were sharp and impressive. No roots in babyteeth.

I have no idea what ibuprofen does to your blood but aspirin does thin it. Maybe paracetamol a bit too? That wouldn't be good for the forming of the bloodclot. And yes he said something like 2 days or so for the most part when it came to pain. I'm a bit older than the limit they normally like but it should heal okay anyway.

Yuck, I don't like the drooling right now even though it's not escaping my mouth or anything.



thecaretaker October 14 2009, 12:12:56 UTC
Unfortunately I'm at work, so I can't type too much, it's a bit busy at the moment, but I manage to sneak behind my computer on occasion :p.

I thought it was a cool thing to have.. I was 12.

I think ibuprofen might have similar characteristics as aspirin. Not sure about paracetamol though.

Hihihi... drool! Is the anaesthetic wearing off yet?


thecaretaker October 14 2009, 12:14:13 UTC
Oeps, forgot to sign in as well.


iflie October 14 2009, 12:29:16 UTC
hehe Well yes you need to actually work but that's okay, I did manage a whole post already. It's more about being able to say what I wanted to say.

It still is a cool thing to have, ofcourse it is it's something your body grew and it's all white with points and things. But mine was mangled with a hole and infection bits and a bit brown on the side..not nice. If it had been whole and just had to be taken out as a procaution then I may have kept it.

It is but somehow my spitglands think all the work on my mouth needs to be counteracted by excessive spit. And I can't swalow too hard because I want the bloodclot to form correctly and stay put so the hole heals fast and nicely.

Just took me ages to eat some porridge with a very small spoon and I feel better now. Now more rumbling stomach.


thecaretaker October 14 2009, 15:41:40 UTC
Not having anyone looking over your shoulder all the time is the added benefit of a small office with just 3 other people, one of which is there maybe an hour a week, another maybe 3.

You should have at least taken a picture :p

Just let it all drip out. Anesthetics somehow do that to your mouth, must be the lack of control in your muscles.

Rumbling stomachs are awful. Speaking of which.. I should go shower and then make dinner.


iflie October 14 2009, 16:51:27 UTC
Hm so that is how you get away with it hehe.

I kinda wish I did. I would have said something about wishing there was a tape of the procedure but I was unable to speak ofcourse. Gah!

Spitting is unadvised I read somewhere so I gently swallow. It's more as if teh extracted tooth opened the floodgates of the salivagland. They Are kind of near eachother. It is not uncommon and should stop in a while. I'm guessing when it heals a bit more.

I hope you had a nice meal, I just finished mine, chewing very carefully on the other side. Took a long time and I hope it didn't do anything strange. Some sites talk about a wisdom tooth extraction as if you need to eat soup fro a week but I guess if I had to do that my dentist would have said something about it.



thecaretaker October 14 2009, 18:20:01 UTC
Yep. Though I am in the office about 3 hours a day max usually. The rest of the time I'm in our workshop making stuff.

Hahaha. He didn't know signlanguage?

Not only is it unadviced, it's also not very ladylike. Let's hope it stops, it would be rather annoying if you'd be drooling all the time :p

Yep, pasta with homemade tomato sauce. The same as yesterday :p
It differs for different people. A friend of mine has his removed by a surgeon. He couldn't eat solid food for about 4 days. The dentist just pulled yours out, sounds more like pulling out a normal molar, so eating should be ok I think, as long as you make sure not to get too much food over to that side.


iflie October 14 2009, 18:53:26 UTC
He may have, I on the other hand am not often muzzled like this. It's rweally rweally hard. I think after a while the pressure builds up and some very crazy things may explode out ( ... )


thecaretaker October 14 2009, 19:04:49 UTC
Kinda a good test to see if you'd like to be gagged. *grin*

And alot of saliva might be gross when kissing, but great for getting your face fucked ;)

Sounds nice. No problem eating it all down?

Yeah, the story he told was rather gross. Pulling a molar is a rather simple procedure these days when you have a good dentist. When I was in my teens our dentist pulled one of my teeth, but the anesthetic hadn't kicked in yet. And he had to continue because he had started already. Luckily it kicked in quickly after the pull, but it still hurt like hell.

It will take a while for the hole to totally be filled up, but yeah, the basic healing goes rather quick even for such a big hole.

A collegue of mine had all his teeth removed at once a few weeks ago and got a kunstgebit, it changed the look of his face a bit, but at least he now has a full set and can eat normally again. But he ate soup and similar stuff for a week or so.


iflie October 14 2009, 19:21:15 UTC
Well when randy I am not particularly talkative anyway. But it can also be a good tool for punishment or at least behaviour adjustments. Or just having something in my mouth is good ( ... )


thecaretaker October 14 2009, 19:37:01 UTC
So not too much dirty talk and more action? Oh yes, a gag can have many uses beyond muffling the noise from screams of pleasure. You're rather orally fixated, aren't you? ;)

A good thing you don't need painkillers.

The pulling of that tooth was ages ago, I was.. eeuuhh.. 15ish, I think. It took about 10 min. to start, give or take a few minutes. He grabbed the tooth with the pliers and started pulling to see if I felt anything, and then he had to continue.

He's the guy with the education. Trust him. It's all depending on how easy the tooth came out and how big the hole it left is. He's got the best insight in that.

Yep, the same with a scab when you have cut yourself or have a schaafwond.

His mouth is just a bit differently shaped. But it's a good thing I think. It looks better on him. They're nicely done. But it still takes some getting used to and every time I look at his face I giggle on the inside :p.


iflie October 14 2009, 20:05:26 UTC
I may have to work on the dirty talk, when horny I can't think enough to make words. And I am and maybe I am not, I think I am just generally sensitive.

Yups, they can give me headaches the next day.

What an ass.

Yeah, though he could have been more clear, he tends to be in a bit of a hurry when he's done but i suspect the pulling of the tooth made him be in a good mood so I got a bit more time than I thought.

Awww well better than out loud.



thecaretaker October 14 2009, 20:20:14 UTC
Then just keep grunting and moaning. Pretty sexy too ;) As for your oral fixation, I;ll name a few things which came along the last few days: Food (lots of it, the messier the better!), fingers, gags, 'other things'.

Painkillers give you headaches? Never heard that before.

Yep, don't like going to the dentist ever since.

You can always call his office and ask for more information.

You're right there. As I said, it looks ok, but just a bit strange still. His face got a bit younger by it. It looks as if his new teeth are a bit bigger than his former ones, or at least take up more room, which makes sense because there is the whole setting where the teeth are in, in there as well now.


iflie October 15 2009, 09:57:52 UTC
The sounds will depend on the stimulation, I'm thinking most of it will more fall along mewing in foreplay. Which I also think is sexy. And while I agree I have a sort of oral fixation it isn't really one of those fetish things yet, there are other things I am into or sensitive to that are at least as strong ( ... )


thecaretaker October 15 2009, 12:09:01 UTC
Mewing. That's a new one for me. Should be interesting. You like being treated like a kitty? Can you name a few of those at least as strong things?

Well, I hardly ever use painkillers, so I am far from an expert on their side effects.

Hurray for a painfree mouth. but I would keep eating porridge for breakfast for a few more days, just to be sure. The 'why didn't I do this ages ago' feeling is something you usually get when you've been nervous about having something done. Teeth work, doctors visits, cleaning your house, getting a cat etc.

and this was actually a rather pleasurable experience, which should strengthen your faith in dentistry :p

Mine are far from straight, though as a kid I had braces. Mainly my lower jaw looks a bit strange. The top row I'm quite happy with.


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