Those evil..nepalese?

Oct 05, 2009 15:11

I almost forgot to mention I had the strangest dream and actually woke myself up crying. Yes THAT strange.

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katokatt October 5 2009, 20:41:30 UTC
Ugh bad dream. :/ I've only ever had one dream where I woke up crying - I had dreamt that one of my siblings/both of them (I don't quite recall) had died. I think it must have felt so horrible I forced myself out of dream-state, I certainly remember having to convince myself it wasn't real for a few seconds until I realized i couldn't move, but was actually awake. I could move my eyes, look to the ceiling, and I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks - I couldn't move my body even an inch. It was as though my mind was not connected to my limbs, though I could feel my legs surrounded by the fabric of my pj-pants and the duvet. It's one or the strangest things I have ever been through. I think most people would panic, and I've read that there can be difficulty brething, and people can have visions, but for me it was just an odd sensation, and it had me worried in this sleepy sort of way, and after what could have been under a minute, or 10 minutes for all I know, I could move, so I fell back asleep after wiping the tears off my cheeks.

Later I found out that it's called something, and is a known phenomena:

I'd never wish upon even my worst enemies (and I don't think I even have any enemies), to have such a realistic dream about the people they love dying in front of their eyes, and there is nothing you can do... just. no.


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