To the vet

Oct 05, 2009 13:36

So my little furry monster has had a sort of allergy for as long as I've known him but it always went away on it's own. These last weeks he had been licking his fur out again and now developed a wound from it so I made an appointment with the vet.

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iflie October 5 2009, 14:57:40 UTC
I did worry about the cat's bathroom needs because he prefers to do it outside and now it's colder he was sleeping inside. And this morning I didn't want to let him out in case he didn't return in time for the vet so i wasn't sure he'd done anything in his litterbox.

But it was okay I think he went either when I was in the shower or at the store because when I got back from thevet he wasn't all worried. Being nervous is one thing but I didn't want him to have to hold it in after a while night and morning.

There were no other people at the vet and with my old cats I haven't seen any other dogs or cats pee there either. These days even without the nervous pets many people have those small dogs and skipped the training so they always pee and poop in the house anyway.

Mickey wasn't that scared of the box but he only has been in it once before with me when we moved. He is old so something must have told him not to get too far in it though. But in general he doesn't take well to things I make him do so I knew it was going to be hard. The difference between him and my old cats is that they fought to get free while Mickey takes it personally and punishes me for pushing him in. Grumpybutt.

I am a sap for cats yes but I haven't yet had anyone specifically offer me cats. In my old yard I had Mickey and one other cat that didn't let me pet him/her. But that is why i couldn't take that one with me anyway. I don't think it was just eating at my house either but I hope it worked out for that one and it went back to wherever it came from. Mickey and the other cat may have had some altercations too so I think it was for the best too.

Mickey's needs have to be taken into account too, he is relatively tolerant of other cats but I don't think he would enjoy kittens getting in his face much. My old cat would have liked that much better. I think for Mickey I should get an extra human or two for animal day, despite his grumpy nature he likes to hang out with us if I have visitors. He even treats them gentler than he does me.

I should go to the stray human shelter and see if there are any cute ones?



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