There are lotsa cops on the corner, about 15 min ago there was a lot of stumbling down stairs and things at the house there. It's one house over but the walls are paper thin. Normally there would be more shouting and a car in front of the house so I thought maybe there was just some loud running going on.
The police being there shows it's not, haven't seen any boys of African descent coming out so maybe it's not the usual "domestic disturbance" that happens there (with her "baby daddy" and his friend and family). It has been a while since the cops were here last time but she seems to be keeping bad company regardless of who it is. If she wants to do that on her own ok, but she has a baby of less than a year. Getting pregnant certainly hasn't slowed down her social or love life at all.
This is not any type of bad neighbourhood btw. But the neat modern, leaveless trim exterior of her frontgarden doesn't tell you what is going on behind closed doors for sure.
The cops are nice though and for people who haven't see Dutch police officers before.
They don't generally need to use their guns or violent stuff like that. Most of their work is just helping people out, foreign people are very much unimpressed by them usually.
PS: Don't you just hate it when you are playing games with the cats and they end up just lying there contentedly watching you play with the string and the sheet? I'm NOT kittyteevee!