Drafts from my Birdhouse: ICELAND

Jul 31, 2009 01:40

 Hostel looks very nice so far! Love love love Iceland.
- 07/31 8:34 AM
 Impressions of Iceland so far; friendly and funny people, good coffee and no free wifi. The last one's a dealbreaker, Keflavik.
- 07/31 6:29 AM
 Even out the window at the security checkpoint you can see so very far. Amazing.
- 07/31 5:18 AM
 Holy crap I'm in Iceland.
- 07/31 5:06 AM
 Apparently we have to go through extra security screening now that we've landed. Whatevs. I'M IN ICELAND
- 07/31 1:58 AM
 Wow. I can definitely see the ocean below. Very light cloud cover.
- 07/31 1:31 AM
 Sun's up now, poking through the clouds. Gorgeous. Captain said...I think that we're making our descent. My ears are popping, so...?
- 07/31 1:29 AM
 I slept a bit, I think. Fairly light out now. We're above the cloud level still, but I can make out shapes and a big blue below them.
- 07/31 1:12 AM
 More turbulence, but I've been able to see the beginnings of the sun for a bit. We're racing toward it.
- 07/31 12:16 AM
 They started another movie, Dragonball Evolution. I didn't think that was even out yet. Huh.
- 07/30 11:43 PM
 There's a guy on the flight with Orgreen glasses, same as my old ones. Kind of rare. Cool.
- 07/30 11:39 PM
 Turbulence is pretty rough. They turned off the movie. I'm not very worried, but I can see the wing shake from my seat. Heh.
- 07/30 11:04 PM
 Also, Moulin Rouge is the inflight movie. Never seen it. Not listening, but it looks hella trippy.
- 07/30 10:35 PM
 On the flight. No plugs! Bit cramped but i've got a window seat. Not much to see yet.
- 07/30 10:35 PM
Posted via email from blackandred posterous
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