Trip Update: Draft Tweets from Halifax

Jul 30, 2009 08:01

 At the Celtic Triangle in Halifax, listening to a Celtic band, with a beer in my hand. Life is great.
- 07/29 11:50 PM
 Saw a pretty girl playing the violin on the street corner. More pretty girls should do this.
- 07/29 3:37 PM
 The library seems to be a surprisingly busy place in Halifax. Weird.
- 07/29 3:31 PM
 Coffee at a nice hippie-ish coffee shop on Granville in Hali. Off to see some sights now. Shopping streets!
- 07/29 3:06 PM
 Good music in the Split Crow. Was gonna watch Daily Show, but good songs keep coming on. Also, I love being called m'dear by the waitresses
- 07/29 1:52 PM
Posted via email from blackandred posterous
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