here's another survey!

Mar 10, 2005 16:04

[Color] red
[Number] 29
[Animal] duck
[Drinks] gatorade
[Soda] cherry pepsi
[Flower] i dunno...lily?
[Book] Smack

[Kicked someone in the nuts?] i accidently kicked nathan, zach, and scott in the nuts. They really were all accidents. There's prolly more people i kicked, but i dont remember
[Stolen anything?] yeah
[Held a gun?] yeah
[Ever get off the damn computer?] yeah
[Been in fist fight?] i punched a girl in the eye once, but i dont ever think an actual fist fight
[Been so drunk you forgot what happened the night before?] plenty of times
[Considered being a hooker?] hooker? no, but stripper? yes
[Cried over a girl?] umm...i dunno, maybe
[Lied to someone?] sure, sometimes people dont deserve the truth
[Been in love?] nah
[Made out with JUST a friend?] yeah
[Been rejected?] yeah
[Used someone?] those who use me first
[Been used?] yeah
[Been kissed?] yeah

DO YOU.....
[Color your hair?] yup
[Twirl your hair?] once in a a nervous habit really
[Have tattoos?] yep
[Have piercings?] just my ears
[Cheat on tests/homework?] when i was in school i did
[Drink/Smoke?] yes/yes
[Like roller coasters?] yes
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] yeah
[Want more piercings?] im not sure
[Like cleaning?] yeah, i actually dnt mind it
[Write in cursive or print?] a mix of both
[Sweat alot?] not really
[Own a webcam?] no
[Know how to drive?] yeah
[Own a cell phone?] yes

[Current clothing] khakis, tanktop, and a longsleeve shirt
[Current mood] kinda sleepy...i think i need a nap
[Current taste] ciggarette
[What you currently smell like] soap, i shower!
[Current hair] purple/reddish
[Current thing I ought to be doing] anything that should get me off this couch, i should go see my dad
[Current cds in stereo] tom petty
[Last book you finished reading] broke diaries
[Last movie you watched] Darkness falls
[Last person you talked to on the phone] im on the phone with my dad now

DO YOU.....
[Do drugs] no comment
[Believe there is life on other planets] yeah
[Read the newspaper] once in a while
[Believe in miracles]
[Do well in school] i didnt do well when i was in school
[Wear hats] not really
[Hate yourself] at times
[Have an obsession] i dont think so
[Have a current crush] maybe...
[Collect anything]
[Like your handwriting] i guess?
[Care about looks] at times
[Have a hobby] i dont know if i'd call it a hobby

[first crush] sideburns (its a codename)
[Do you believe in love at first sight] not really
[Do you believe in the "the one"] i dont know
[Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?] yeah
[Are you a tease] sometimes
[Shy to make the first move] not always

ARE YOU (A)......
[Wuss] sometimes
[Druggy] depends who you ask
[Daydreamer] yes
[Dork] at times
[Bitch/asshole] bitch
[Sarcastic] yes
[Angel] when i wanna be
[Shy] sometimes
[Talkative] when im messed up
[Parents still together] hahaha
[Pets] what about them?

These surveys end stupidly.
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