Master fic list

Dec 27, 2019 07:57

mm I know that I haven't written enough fic but yeah, this is my fic list

~One shot/ Drabble~

Title: Ice Cubes
Pairing: YeWon
Rating: PG
Warning: grammer mistake

Summary: That day was very hot and Siwon wanted to eat ice cubes


Title: Lovely horror movie?
Pairing: HanChul
Rating: PG
Warning: Unbeta-ed, it's the first time i write HanChul and english is not my native language, so please be nice to me

Summary: Heehul wanted to watch horror movie with Hankyung


Title: winter
Pairing: YeWon
Genre: Fluff (i don't know how to put genre)
Length: Drabble
Rating: PG
Note: This story is beta-ed by the wonderful belicax

Summary Siwon didn't like winter


Honey Cake
Genre: Fluff
Lenght: One shot?
Rating: PG 15
Note: The story is beta-ed by the wonderful belicax

Summary:Siwon was on his way to back to the dorm, when heard his cell phone ringing


Title: What happened here???
Pairing: None
Rating: G
lenght: one shot
Genre: crack

Summary: when Zhoumi and Henry are back to their dorm in Korea. They just hope everything is a dream.


Title: It’s Okay, Because I Hate You
Pairing: YeWon
Genre: angst (it’s count as angst right?)
Length: Drabble
Rating: PG 15
Warning: Character Death (yes,i can't beleive it too death! omg)
Note: The story is beta-ed by the wonderful belicax ah and hey this is my first angst, so i think this is not that sad

Summary: yesung really hate siwon, but whether it is the truth?


Title: Yesung Gift For Heechul
Pairing: HanChul, YeWon
Genre:romance angst
Lenght: one shot
Rating: PG 13
Note: The story is beta-ed by the wonderful belicax AND actually i wrote this for heechul's birthday and i got the idea when i saw heechul's birthday party with yesung, but i kinda late for post right? haha just think this as normal fic then

Summary:What is yesung want to give heechul as a gift?

>Title: Stupid and Confessing
Pairing: YeWon, implied: YeHae, KyuSung
Lenght: One Shot
Rating: PG 13
Disclaimer: last time i know, i do not own the boy
Note: Okay, i think this is my come back fic after 2 weeks? 3? one month? ^^ Thanks to my beloved friends that help me to betaed the story

Summary: Confessing is a hard thing if you're so stupid (Fail)


Title: What’s make me warm
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff and fluff
Length: Part one (Drabble)
Pairings: YeWon (but can be read as Yesung/anyone)
Summary: Things that can make yesung feel the warmness

Part 1 Bathub
Part 2 Coffee
Part 3 fanfiction


Title: Your Smile
Pairing: YeWon
Genre: angst
Length: One Shot
Rating: PG 15
Warning: Character Death
Note: the way character death was quite similar with my first angst, but about the story I think it had a different plot.
Betaed by a really great friend

Summary: Siwon saw him, seat on the bench and didn't looked like his
You're weird


Title: The Clouds and You
Pairing: Yesung/anyone
Genre: angst
Length: Drabble
Rating: PG 13
Note: Betaed by spinningstar_15 thanks alot !

Summary: I never thought about this before, but when I watch the clouds up there and though about him.

I closed my eyes

Title: When it’s a full moon (Yesung Version)
Pairing: Yesung/Sooyoung
Genre: romance, fantasy
Length: One Shot
Rating: PG 13
Note: Writen in Yesung’s POV , Betaed by a really great friend

Summary: yesung heard that something bad always happen in the full moon night with the centre was a forest but is something bad will really happen when he walked in the forest and showered with the full moon’s light?


Title: His Diary
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff, Humour, angst(?)
Length: One Shot (short)
Summary: What happen when a boy read his boyfriend’s diary?
Pairing: ( HaeHyuk version) ( YeWon Version) ( YunJae Version)

Title: The Raining Times
Pairing: YeWon (Yesung x Siwon)
Genre: romance, AU
Lenght: One Shot (really short)
Rating: PG 13
Warning Unbetaed

Summary: That raining time, when I saw him

Title : That Secret Color
Pairing : YunJae, ninja:KiMin
Genre : Romance
Lenght : One Shot
Rating: PG-15
Note : Unbetaed! This is a birthday fic i made for myself XD

Summary: Yunho never likes flower, even though Jaejoong really love it. Then Changmin asked him what color of flower he want to give to Jaejoong.

Title: The Missing One
Pairing: YeWon
Genre: angst
Length: One Shot
Rating: PG 15
Note: Yesung Centric! Unbetaed!The words in italic that refers to someone are all refers to one person

Summary: Some things are bothering me, about the bouquet, the card, and the fresh flowers. I know there is something behind it but I can’t make the connection for anything.

Title: Invisible Path
Rating: PG-15
Pairing: BaekhyunxChanyeol (BaekYeol)
Characters: Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kris, Lay
Author: if_rchanluvsj
Warning: Grammarical error, Spelling error, Unbetaed.
Disclaimer: The Boys's names used in here aren't mine.
Summary: I walked on the invisible path, the darkness on my eyes wasn't something I afraid of, instead the chance of losing it was the greatest fear.


Title: A Plan From Someone Who is Unexpected
Pairing: Break!YeHae,YeWon,EunHae
Genre:romance?,fluff?,some angst?
Rating: PG 15
Note: the story is beta-ed by the wonderful belicax

Summary Yesung and Donghae are the perfect couple,they are always show their love for each other and it's very rare to find them fighting.but with someone's plan everything will change.
(Chapter 1)(Chapter 2)(Chapter 3)(Chapter 4)(Chapter 5)( Chapter 6)(Chapter 7)( Chapter 8)( Chapter 9)

Title: Many Kind of World
Pairing: YeWon
Genre:fluff,romance, angst (different each world)
Rating: PG 13
Disclaimer: last time i know, i do not own the boy
Note: Thanks to my beloved friends that help me to betaed the story, this fic, not just had one story, each world had different story, so if you want to just read the last world,it's okay you won't miss anything

Summary: there are many different worlds where people always think the same
(world 1)( world 2)(world 3)


Title: The Secret
Pairing: YunJae , Side: YooSu
Genre: romace,angst
Length: Chaptered
Rating: PG 13
Note: Second YunJae from me, I think the summary is not good I am sorry but those what inside my mind when thinking about the summary, I kind of like it XP . confusing summary? Read the whole story to catch the meaning then XD

Summary: Yunho know that Jaejoong have some secret from him, but he never asked the other , because he know when the right time come he’ll tell him. Jaejoong having himself in such dark and deep dilemma, Will he come back to his true self, pure and honest or kept going with his plan and living in a lie until finally he can get his revenge?
Start from the simple meeting, become friend with some electricity feeling and loving stare. Will the innocent meeting crush both of them?... or actually there’s no innocent accident from the start between them?

( Chapter 1)( Chapter 2)( Chapter 3)(Chapter 4)( Chapter 5)( Chapter 6)

super junior, master fic list, exo, tvxq

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