Invisible Path

Mar 16, 2013 21:12

Title: Invisible Path
Rating: PG-15
Pairing: BaekhyunxChanyeol (BaekYeol)
Characters: Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kris, Lay
Author: if_rchanluvsj
Warning: Grammarical error, Spelling error, Unbetaed.
Disclaimer: The Boys's names used in here aren't mine.
Summary: I walked on the invisible path. The darkness on my eyes wasn't something I afraid of, instead the chance of losing it was the greatest fear.

Did you understand the things that hold you for hope that wouldn’t be true? Even if you felt like to walk away but you could not do it for that thing. Even if you couldn’t tell what exactly was that, you couldn’t see nor feel it, but the thing was there holding you tight ,invisible like a ghost like a nightmare tie you up and making you hurting second by second.

No, I couldn’t understand it but I knew, I knew all along what it was. It was the thing everyone knew, the thing made a blind hope and future, or maybe I could call it false hope and future. Was my description usually really this shabby? Ah, I didn’t know how usually other peoples describing it but, Love really something strong enough which could prolong or end someone’s life literally or mentally.

I had known the magical feeling of love even though from my small world that secured with high walls. The magical feeling could go through the walls and embrace me with the warmness around the cold walls.

Love known as a two edge sword, so It was not a surprise it brings me light and shadow, a too big dark shadow.

Light and shadow was something that couldn’t be separate.


I heard it, the car sound and then the closed door beside my room. Laying on the king sized bed was not something good to do when you felt lonely but what you should do if someone that could warm you was the very person made you lonely.

Ten minutes hearing nothing again, I heard the door opened again, and then the car engine faded leaving this mansion. The clock was showing 11:00 PM

He didn’t even bother to pay a visit at me anymore now. Well, at least he took a little time to came home for a minutes.

I wondering was he the same person I knew before, who would call me every free moment he had and be home exactly at 5 PM and spending his entirely time with me.

I wondering and thinking, when a pain strike me in the heart it hurt too much, I tried to move my hand to press the button beside me bed and soon sound of panic steps and knocks could be heard, before I lost my conscious


Usually I could hear his car engine came, especially when it came clearly not in its usual timing. But, maybe I was too engrossed in letting out my pain that I couldn’t hear it. The room and my head filled with the beautiful and soft painful melody. With my eyes closed, of course I wouldn’t notice the door opening and closing. Pouring out my feeling through my piano was the only thing keeping me sane or maybe insane to keep me hold on in this place.

Pain or despair was not exactly something I wanted my self to call this melody. What should I name it then?

“Would you stop it?” a rough and deep voice stops me. I was shocked when I opened my eyes and saw him.

There was a moment when we eyes to eyes and I felt those chilling on my nape. The clock tolling nine times, indicating it’s already 8 PM, but it’s too early for him to back home

“Chanyeol..” I gasp my breath whispering his name. “You’re home” I said

“Yes, it’s my home after all” he said and walked nearing me. I didn’t think, didn’t feel my heart beat any faster and I just stared at my husband.

“I heard you had an attack last night” he said cold without any trace of care.

I kept my mouth shut while he walking and standing right beside me, I kept my face straight to the door.

When I felt he was bending a little and his face closer to my side face, I could feel his hot breath. I sniff a sweet scent lingering around his body, and I notice it’s different again.

With his piercing eyes staring at me for how long I didn’t know, I thought he became stone when finally he straighten his tall body again and leaning to my piano facing the wall behind me.

Another silence again, when finally he said “Don’t bother me again with your weak body, because of it that damned doctor annoy me to see you”

Chanyeol said before walking around and heading to the door.

“Where are you going?” I asked out of thinking.

“To the warmness that you couldn’t give Byun Baekhyun.” he said without turning around, and I just staring at his brown straight hair disappear behind the door.

Slowly walked to the window, and saw indeed chanyeol’s car leaving the mansion again.

It was not like I didn’t know where he was going every night, okay maybe with who he was with, okay its not quite right too but if I got my point there, he went to another person’s bed beside me every night and different each night for the past months.

Indeed, the truth was better than a lie. But knowing the truth and hearing the truth really had a different meaning and impact.

The question was I couldn’t decide which one I like more between he who had made a cold excuse for his late time back ( in the morning too) and different sweet poisonous scent every night, or he that really honest with it.

At least he tried to hide it that time, and it means he tried to keep my feeling or maybe he just didn’t think I would just became annoying if I knew where was my husband went every night. I decide that ignoring that question was a right thing to do now.


“Please, don’t mad at me” said Chanyeol to me

I kept silent and made him more nervous, “I am sorry I didn’t call you that I’ll be late. There was an urgent meeting”
Looked at chanyeol’s pleading face and hearing his sincere voice.

Finally I let show a smile

“Really?And its not just an accuse for you that forgetting me right?” I said playfully, he messed my hair and chuckling.

“No, of course not” He said smiling and kissing my temple

The vision changed, and I saw chanyeol opened the door to the bedroom, I saw the clock it showed 3 AM.

“Yeol, where were you all night?” I asked

“There was a meeting” he said shortly didn’t even glance at me, and went straight to the bath room.

I was waiting for him to come out, but the tiredness took me back to sleep. When I opened my eyes, chanyeol wasn’t with me and it was just 7 AM.

When I asked the butler, he said that chanyeol already went to work at 6.

I need to talk to him, but why he was avoiding me likes this.

My vision became blur and I saw chanyeol’s chest right in front of my face; I smelled a sweet scent from him. When suddenly he pushed me rudely.

“Don’t hug me” he said coldly and quickly detached his hands from my body like I was some kind disease.

“Yeol? Why? Are you still angry? I am sorry yeol, what should I do so you won’t be angry again?” I said

“Nothing, just get out from my way now” he said and walked pass me. As he passed me, I felt the cold wind like stabbing me at the heart.

“Yeol! Where are you going?”

“It doesn’t concern you” he said.

And then I felt the ground vanish and I was falling in to the darkness.

Gasping the air, I sat up and grasping the sheet.

I hate it, when one of my memories became my night mare.


Walking in the fresh air was a good thing, I like walking while enjoying the scenery even though it was just my garden. Nothing special yet but because of the gardener’s work the garden was so beautiful with so many flowers growing.

I stood still, letting my mind wandering around the garden when I felt a jacket being dropped on my shoulder.

“It is cold here” said a familiar voice

I adjusted the jacket and tightened it around my body; I could smell the sweet and fresh fragrance.

“My Gucci guilty?” I asked as I began walking again

“Yes” the voice said

“Do you like it?” I asked again, smiling as observing the side feature of the blonde guy beside me. He had a pointed nose and a nice skin.

“It is nice, thank you” He said, turned to look at me. I could see his thick eye brow and charismatic eyes.

“You’re welcome Kris”

We took a seat on the bench near us, before he said “You know, it’s not like I forbid you to walk outside, but use more clothes I don’t want any risk you got another sick” he said

“Yes, nanny I’ll watch my clothes for another time” I said playfully.

“I know you think you know your body well, but actually no you don’t. You need to take care of your body more.” he said sighing, there was a pause when “And I am not your nanny just your overly kind friend as well as your personal doctor”

“And like I said I’ll pay more attention about what I would wear next time” I said before adding “And yes, you are my friend, doctor, and nanny” I said then chuckling in amused. We were sitting in silent, Kris was my childhood friend. He knew me so well like his back hand and maybe more than Chanyeol knew.

Thought about it Kris always beside me, we even graduated from the same school. We came from the same university too but I stop before graduation because of my body condition. And then Kris moved to the university with famous medical faculty.

Kris who were once a student majoring in English literature suddenly end up in the medical school and graduated as the top one and then the said brilliant student stuck with me.

There was a thought that he changed his major because of me, and it always bothering me.

“Kris, I have a question for you. Why would you stay with me? I mean, I know you have no interest in become a doctor before. But then here you are, a brilliant doctor that spent his time with one patient only.”

“First, It’s not like I don’t have any interest in become a doctor at all, I like helping someone” he said as I saw the leaves and petals flying because of the wind.

“Second, you are not my only patient just because I spent most of my time with you” I could see the floating dark cloud came closer.

“Third, if I answer that question then would you answer my question too?” and we stare at each other. I felt the wind became stronger, I just stare at Kris as my answer and I hope he could catch the meaning.

“Why you keep holding yourselves with Chanyeol when everything he did was hurting you?” this man said as he staring right into my soul. He reached out and took a fallen leaves that stuck on my head.

I saw him release the leaves, and watching it flew away. “I think your answer will be the same with my answer for your question”

I didn’t know what should I said that time but that one sentence “I am sorry”

“Let’s go inside, it will raining soon” that was his only replied.


Sometimes I was wondering when it start going wrong.

Was it since Chanyeol was really busy with his work?

Was it since Kris became my personal doctor?

What ever it was became the trigger of the change of my life, and when I said my life its mean the change of Chanyeol.

I notice it when he start to avoiding me

I notice it when he would make wide space from me on the bed

I notice it when he start to make excuse to came late

I notice it when the first time he would back in the morning, already fresh and showered

I notice it when he start to came back in the morning continuously, those time didn’t even showered still lingering with smell of sex.

I notice it when he start to sleep in different room

I notice it when he start to become cold and distance, like I wasn’t his husband, like I wasn’t his precious before, like I was just a trash.

But I didn’t do anything to stop it for happening. I was foolishly thinking it was just my imagination, turned out it’s not. And I hope I was just dreaming, and start lying to my self.

Although I was lying to my self that it was just my imagination through all the clear clue, even after Chanyeol said it himself not that clear but hinted about it, knowing something and hearing something were really different, but seeing something was really giving a big impact.

Maybe it was because of the way I saw chanyeol holding that girls, or maybe because of the way they’re kissing their way to Chanyeol’s room, my room, our room, or maybe because I thought that my piano sounds really pitiful, it was strong and fragile at the same time. It sound dejected and but the strong notes brought the anger feeling.

I played and played, the image of them holding and eating each other replaying in my head, the sound of piano I played sound more depressing every each note I press.

I played until my sweat came out became one with the tears that wetting the key and my shirt. I was glad because of the strong music filled the room and I wouldn’t hear Chanyeol with that girl, they’re so loud but I manage to drown their voice out.

I played and played, let out all the sorrow and let out my anger immersed in the music.

So it was a surprise when I could hear the calm and small voice “You know how many peoples that can’t sleep if you played that thing?” and stop my fingers moving in a hurry breathe.

I saw once again Chanyeol in his unbutton deep blue shirt leaning at the door frame looking expression less, as he walking nearing me I didn’t know should I praised or scolding my eyes cause they could catch a glimpse of red marks on his neck.

I paid attention at how his usual straight hairs stuck at the wrong place in a perfect way, but I grimace at how it should be only me to see it before.

“I don’t think I am disturbing anyone other than you and that girl”

I knew that my face looked ugly right now, I knew the tears trails and my red eyes still clearly visible, and I knew he didn’t care of why I looked like this.

“That is the point, you disturbed us”

The smell of sex smelled really strong and more heart wrenched now, because it was still fresh and it happened just so close to me.

“Why should you bring her here, why here out of place, why here in our house?”

I didn’t know if my eyes now start to play with my heart, but I swear I saw Chanyeol gaze became softer for seconds and I didn’t think much about it because the next sentence freeze me. “Because I want you to see it” and with that he leaved me.

I was stuck and played the piano again, now the soft and beautiful melody filled my ears. The familiar heart wrenched music played, but I couldn’t calm my emotion every time I press the notes it became more firm and fast before I lost all my control screaming and bang the piano. And then my vision became blurring with tears, and it fell down and once again the only thing decorate my face these past months. I cried for hours, when finally maybe my tears dried, I stood up and facing once again the picture of me and chanyeol before I was being drowned by the darkness.


I opened my eyes to Kris’s face. My head felt dizzy so I putting my hands on my head I closed my eyes again. “Kris?”

I felt he came closer to me and said “How is your feeling Baek ah?”

Slowly opening my eyes again I said “Dizzy” After some moment I heard my self asked Kris “Did you tell Chanyeol that I fainted again?”

Kris just let out a snarky laugh “Telling him? What for? He didn’t even care enough when you fainted before”


Maybe he saw the pain behind my tiredness when he said “Sorry, I don’t mean to hurt you and I think all the maids and butler were are all in a panic mode when they found you and called me immediately because well I am your doctor and I didn’t bother to tell Chanyeol so yeah.”

“It’s okay, from now on you don’t need to tell him about my condition he said himself it just making him annoyed” I said smiling bitterly.

Kris’s face changed “He said what?” I knew really well that now Kris holding his anger, and one more news again would make him explode but I couldn’t help myself I needed to tell this to someone.

“You know what Kris? Last night, he brought a girl home, I know my self that he had been sleeping around behind me.” I stop for stabilizing my breathe before continue

“But I keep searching for a reason to stay, every time he back home with another scent I said to my self I just have prejudice and even if its true I said at least he try to hide it from me it’s mean at least he tried to keep my heart” I saw Kris looked really serious and his stare didn’t look like judging but I knew him well enough to know he was just maintain his expression so I would continue.

“But last night, he brought a girl and making out with her from the front door. And you know what? He bring her to my room our room, I can’t believe he actually did this to me. Why out of place, our room? The only place I still think as our only private place”

I felt my tears rolling again, I hate the fact I was always crying these past months but I tried to sit and continue again.

“Thinking about that girl touching my Chanyeol is really bad enough, but thinking and knowing she is touching my chanyeol on our bed?” I could hear my own voice was really calm contrary to my tears flowing hard.

“What I didn’t understand is why, what is the reason he did this to me? I know his feelings for me are -or were true, it is love.” Kris tightened his lips, I knew I had hurt him too by telling him this but I couldn’t stop.

“What I can not believe is when I asked him why he bring her, he said he wanted me to see, isn’t it not enough so he did that? If he hates me now, why didn’t he divorce me or just kicking me out? Why should he torture me like this?” I repeat the word why continuously until it was just a whisper.

Kris hug me “I don’t know why he did this I am sorry” he said stroking my head “If you can’t bear it any more why don’t you just leave him? I’ll help you, you can stay with me” whispered him to me but I kept quiet because I didn’t know if I should answered it or not.


“I want to go to London” I said to finally available at home Chanyeol.

There were silence between the sound of paper being flip, I thought to repeat my words again when “For how long?” he said didn’t lose his pace reading all the documents on his hand.

“I don’t know, maybe a week or a month or more” I said without losing my composure.
Waiting for an answer wasn’t something appealing for me but it couldn’t be help if I wanted my ticket for break loose with all the tension.

“Do what ever you want, just make sure you won’t bothering me”

“Okay” I replied simply, but just when I leave the room and about to close the door I heard unbelievable words from Chanyeol, he said “Just make sure you won’t be gone for too long”

As I stare at the now closed door; the words were repeated in my mind, a faint smile creeps to my lips, was that his way to say he was afraid of losing me?

I didn’t know, and I wouldn’t think too much for it now. I need to think clearly, thinking now with such unclear mind would just become disaster.


“Yes Kris, I am going to London” I said as putting my clothes in the bag, with my left hand holding the phone. “I don’t know for how long, maybe a week” going back to my closet, I put the phone in between my shoulder and cheek.

“No, you don’t need to come with me, I can take care of my self” Choosing the clothes, I matched all my clothes with me before putting them inside the bag.

“Yes I am sure” I zipped the bag and holding the phone again “Yeah I know, but still I want to go alone Kris.” I said but hearing the replied I sighing again “If you come just to check on me that will be inconvenience for you right? Okay if you insist but you won’t stay there”

Smiling I said “Thank you, bye Kris”

Putting the phone aside, I threw my body on the bed before a knock on the door “Yes, come in”

When the door opened I didn’t expect to see my butler Lay. “I am sorry master to interrupt I come to help you packing” he said when his eyes fell to my bag “But It seems like I came too late”

Smiling I said “It’s okay thank you for your offer, but it just I am too excited and already finish the packing”

“So you will really leave?” he said looking right at my eyes not with the butler Lay’s eyes but with my friend Yixing’s eyes.

“Yes, Yixing. But it’s not like I am leaving forever right? It’s just a vacation”

“But it seems like you want to leave forever” he said, he looked troubled and kind of argue to talk or not.

“What is it yixing?” I said encourage him to talk.

He looked at me with determined eyes “I know that you are hurting, but I think he have a reason too” I didn’t need to ask who was he talking about to guess it’s about Chanyeol

“I don’t know yixing, yes maybe he is getting tired of me but I can’t help it what can I do about it?”

“NO!” he suddenly exclaimed, he looked away “I mean, I don’t know what is his reason but I think it isn’t because he is getting tired of you”

Smiled sadly I said “You can’t be sure”

Fidgeting on his feet, he looked left and right and finally looked at me in the eyes “Actually I…….I saw him…”

“What are you doing here Lay?” jumping on his feet I saw lay turned around with scared face.

“I want to help master Baekhyun for packing sir, but he already finished” He said back to his calm and composed voice.
Chanyeol himself leaning against the door frame with cold eyes looking at Lay “If he is finished then go and do your jobs don’t just chat and talk nonsense”

“Yes master” bowing Lay leaving my room and leaved me with Chanyeol.

“When are you going?” Chanyeol asked me but kept his eyes on the door frame.

“Tomorrow morning” I answered him and got up from the bed


“Well, yes but I am thinking to asked suho to drive me there, is that okay?” I asked incase it troubled him since suho was his driver.

“He is have a day off tomorrow” he said shortly

“Oh, well I’ll ask Kris to drive me there then” I said, and amazed how one name of Kris could make the expressionless Chanyeol became live again. Because I could see a mix of irritated expression and…..pain?

“I can drive you there” it made me looked straight at him, why so nice suddenly.

“But, I’ll bother you right? So no it’s okay” I said, and thought how ridiculous my word was, bother? Oh yeah, because we were not really a happy couple now.

I remembered how stubborn he was and what a surprised he didn’t insist, he just simply nodded “Okay, but ask Lay to drive you instead that doctor” he said coolly and went out.


The time showed its 1:16 AM and still, I tossed my body right and left, and finally facing the ceiling I couldn’t get my self to sleep.

In this darkness I couldn’t stop thinking about Chanyeol, if I didn’t know better I could think that Chanyeol was a girl in her period, how was he changed his act was just unbelievable one time he was so cold now he was a bit nice. I couldn’t stand how he tried to be nice again.

Tap tap tap

I heard a taps echoed outside my room


I heard a sound from the door, and I saw the door slightly opened. Quickly I shut my eyes after took a glimpse of someone I was so familiar with.

I heard the door being closed again, and a taps getting closer to my bed. I felt the weight on my left side bed, but I didn’t dare to open my eyes.

It felt like a year with him kept still like a stone, I could imagine he was staring at me the whole time. Restraining my self to jerking my head was a really hard to do when I felt the said man’s hand on my cheek. He moved his hand softly from my cheek to my nape then getting closer to my lips; his finger brushed my bottom lip.

I felt the weight on my bed was getting closer to my side, and that’s when lips on lips touched. The familiar lips, the only lips ever touched my lips and the only person who had it was the only person I love and had hurt me badly.

My head spinning, I tried really hard to keep still until the lips was parting with mine, the hot breath hit my lips and a words from it giving a different emotion to me

“I am sorry” was what he said, before kissing my lips for the last time and then that’s when I felt a drop of waters hit my face. Now, I could picturing he was crying. He leaned up and wiped his tears on my face before getting up.

When the door closed again, I opened my eyes and getting up.

I touched my face where he wiped his tears, and then moved my fingers to touch my lips and I could hear the longing tone on my voice when I whispering his name



Walking around the park in the morning never became a bad thing, walking in the park was became my usual thing to do for the past days.

It could relax me and made me forgetting the troubles, after sitting on the bench while drinking hot chocolate I’ll come back to the apartment I rent. I didn’t used the Park’s house because it just remind me of him and would made my decision subjective. Well it was clear that everything I did now was really my heart’s choice.

“Can I sit here?” said a voice from in front of me; I looked up to see the handsome face

“Sure” I said smiling.

“It is already 2 weeks since you stay here, when you plan to go back?” Kris said

“Soon” I said simply before drinking from the cup again

“Does it mean you have decided your choice?” he said looking at me.

I kept silent, thinking what should I said “No, I haven’t but I need to go home I can’t stay here forever right?” with that Kris kept silent. “What?” I asked him

“The fact that you could call that place is your home I think is a clear answer for me” he said and turned my mouth shut.

“So, what are you doing here Kris?” I said changing the topic. But suddenly he flicked my forehead.

“Aww, that’s hurt” I said rubbing my fore head.

“I hope that make you remember that I am you personal doctor need to check on you every week” he said.

“Oh yeah, I am sorry I am forget hahaha” I said laughing and made Kris shook his head


I opened the door to my apartment, when inside I remove my shoes and put the jacket on the couch. It was a nice apartment with white color wall and big window face exactly at the sunrise; I walked towards the piano in the center room

Yes, there was a piano because I requested for it here, I took the book and opened it. In the first page I read “Darkness on my eyes” in my hand writing.

It was a song I made, and played for the past months I decide to write it in the paper. I flip the pages until I read the next title “Replay” same as the first song I made it to let out my heart, and then I flip the pages again until I read the last title “River flows in you” this song wasn’t mine to began with but it really had my memory so I wrote down the notes.

I flip the book to the front page and put down the book and sat, I put my hands on the key and start playing the strong melody. I could felt the sorrow but behind it I felt the strong will.

I remembered Yixing’s words before I took the plane

“He still love you, I don’t know why he did what he did but I know he still love you. Actually I always see him stand outside your door at night before went to the other room. And you remember when you fainted? Everyone knows that the one that found you was me but no, he said I couldn’t say it but master Chanyeol did. He was hugging you when I came; he told me to take you to your room and called Kris. He quickly leaves the mansion after that without anyone noticing. He told me to say that he wasn’t in the mansion when I found you”

I believe in Lay’s word without any doubt, maybe because I wanted any reason for his behavior and a reason for me to stay with him. The song was came to the end and I took a pen and wrote downs a words at the end of the song.

I played again, the next song. The beautiful and painful sound filled the air. I remembered when Chanyeol brought back a girl with him and how he said he wanted me to see it.

How it pain my heart when I remembered it, but there’s no hatred just pain. It would be better if there was anger there but not even a slightest.

When the song came to the end, once again I wrote down a words at the back paged of the song. I flip again the page and start playing softly, the soft familiar melody filled the room.

I remembered when the first time I heard this song, it played not on piano but on guitar. I heard it for the first time when Chanyeol asked me to marry him. He made it himself, it was the only song he ever made and it was for me.

With the familiar sound I remembered all the happy memories with him. There were no option from the beginning; it was just him in my heart for the past, present, and the future too. But I couldn’t say it to Kris, it would hurt him more.

Wrote down the last word at the end of the notes, I stood up and took an envelope. I put the book inside of it, I glued the envelope and wrote down the address to my house with Chanyeol I address it for Chanyeol.

I put the envelope on the table before walking toward the big window.

Love was always made a fool of people, but I didn’t care if anyone told me that I was a fool to keep hurting my self. If I surrender with this situation, I couldn’t face any other relationship. Beside the hope I just believe that Chanyeol still love me.

Even if it turned out to be just a false hope, I didn’t care because it was a path I choose and I would fight for my love.

I closed my eyes and saw Chanyeol waiting for me, he grab me by the hand and lead me to the piano room. He made me sit and he took a guitar and start playing the only song he ever made for me.

I opened my eyes again and a smile made way to my lips, I saw my reflection on the window, it showed a strong determined.

I chanted the only name that had been engraved in my heart, I remembered Kris’s question earlier.

“Yes, I’ve made my mind, and I have no regret for choosing it” I said to my self.

Inside the envelope, I imagined the words I wrote was yelling the same, and I smiled to my self.


Chanyeol looked at the envelope in his hand; he opened it and looked at the dark blue color book. He opened it and saw many notes; he read the title in the familiar writing. He smiled bitterly at the title, and thought the title really suit him. He was the darkness for Baekhyun’s eyes, he hurt the smaller one. Read the notes, he know it was the same song Baekhyun always play for the past month.

Flipping the pages, he notices 2 paragraphs at the end of the song.

I'm just in an ocean of deep blue loneliness
I don't know how? I can't move forward and come to a halt
Fragments of lies fall away
I crush them, the blood trickles down
Dark in my mind... I hide in weakness

I walked on the invisible path, the darkness on my eyes wasn't something I afraid of, and instead the chance of losing it was the greatest fear. Love never made me afraid even if it hurt me, but if I lose it I wouldn’t have a power to continue my walk.

Reading the next title of the song “Replay” Chanyeol quickly scanned the last page of the song and found a message again.

Looking at you now, memories swipe at my heart, the happy memories pain me.
I felt the hurt but I didn’t hate it any bit.
It just I am so sad till all left in me is just my love for you. I won’t ever let this feeling ever.

Quickly read it, roughly he flipped the paged to read the next title “River flows in you” his heart felt a pang and then he flipped to the end to read the last message.

Even if you wanted me to away and my self too want to forget all of our past but my heart will still remember you.

If you always thought that hurting me would made me hate you, you are wrong, if you heard all the song I played every night and thought that I had hate you, you are wrong. Because here I told you, all my song’s means for you weren’t hatred or just pain only. I would never want to give up my love even if it torn me apart.




Highly inspired by:
This piano cover by charcoalsof DBSK/TVXQ's song "Darkness on my eyes"
Piano cover of SHINee's Replay by Keudae (Heartbreak version)
and Yiruma - River flows in you with the lyric.

You can find them in the scene when Baekhyun playing the piano. Could you guess the right order used of the music in the scene when I wrote it? kukukuku

Please tell me what is your opinion thank you!

[Spoiler:About what actually happened with Chanyeol] So if anyone curious of what is actually in Chanyeol's mind. Basically, chanyeol was jelous at Kris because he could be with Baekhyun more often than him because he was busy, and they're actually really close and happy together. And so, Chanyeol couldn't do Baekhyun because he is afraid he would make Baek's weak body worse and became sexually frustrated. He start sleeping with woman, and felt guilty but couldn't stop so with the time flow he let it out as anger at Baekhyun's behaviour with Kris (even though Baek didn't do anything romantic with Kris). The things getting awkward and Chanyeol hurting Baek more due to his own shame of himself, when he realise he really did hurting Baekhyun, he felt there were no turning back and choose to hurt Baek more so Baek would leave him and forgetting him in the way so Baekhyun would stop hurting because of Chanyeol.

But behind that Chanyeol really care at Baekhyun, it showed at what Lay said about Chanyeol and then Baekhyun asked for vacation alone. He thought that Baekhyun really began to try to leave him, he couldn't stop the feeling of really losing Baekhyun even though that's what he wanted so he lose a bit of his cold act.

exo k, exo m, baekyeol, kris, lay, one shot, fanfic: invisible path, chanyeol, exo, baekhyun

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