The Secret

Nov 20, 2011 11:31

Title: The Secret
Pairing: YunJae , Side: YooSu
Genre: romace,angst
Length: 6/?
Rating: PG 13
Warning: Unbetaed, grammar mistakes
Note: Second YunJae from me, I think the summary is not good I am sorry but those what inside my mind when thinking about the summary, I kind of like it XP . confusing summary? Read the whole story to catch the meaning then XD

Summary: Yunho know that Jaejoong have some secret from him, but he never asked the other , because he know when the right time come he’ll tell him. Jaejoong having himself in such dark and deep dilemma, Will he come back to his true self, pure and honest or kept going with his plan and living in a lie until finally he can get his revenge?
Start from the simple meeting, become friend with some electricity feeling and loving stare. Will the innocent meeting crush both of them?... or actually there’s no innocent accident from the start between them?

I kept staring at those doe eyes and getting lost in them. He kept mumbling apologize that I couldn’t even hear what because once he open his mouth, I just couldn’t help but staring at the plumps and pink lips.

When I saw him titled his head to the side while blinking so cutely, it’s made me had a sudden wants to jump at him.
“Err,,hello~?” cute jaejoong said
“Ah yes, I am sorry” I said woke from my trace, just to be mesmerised by the softly sound like bell of him. He chuckled at me.

“Ahaha, I am sorry you are too cute” He said made my face turned red. ‘Cute?? OH NO! I am manly, though, gentle and everything but cute’ I though, but my , uncomfortable thought, quickly faded as I saw him smiled at me, and then suddenly I remembered the first time I encountered him.

“This is the second time we met each other and you always falling down;” I said chuckling just to regret it the second I saw him frowning.

“We had met each other before?” He asked me
“Err, yes we met in the café before” I continue as he kept frowning “You almost fell down when you bring some order”

Jaejoong frowning even more, and then suddenly he looked like remembered something and bowing at me “Ah, I am sorry sir! That time was my first day to work and yet I had made a trouble, I am really sorry sir, even this time I made you some trouble again” I saw his pale white face became red.

“Nah, it’s okay. I don’t mind it even a bit” I’ts a pleasure honestly’
“But…” he said as he looking down”

“Then, if you really feel sorry, would you like to go out with me?” I said bluntly

“I-I mean it not as a date, I mean would you like to have a lunch with me? It’s my treat”
“Eh, I already have my lunch, I am sorry”Jaejoong answered

Yunho didn’t give up and said again “What about dinner? Still my treat”
“Err, but I am the one who make a mistake so I shouldn’t get a dinner treat, I should treat you instead” he said looking confused.

“Its okay, your time is for my treat” I said showing my charming smile.

“I, I don’t know, tonight I have a guest in my house”
My smiled fade a little “Then what about tomorrow?”

“Maybe I can, but I have to go to work”
Smiling widely I said “Your work at the café right? Its okay I’ll pick you up”

“Okay, err..” I notice the uneasiness of jaejoong
“Yunho, my name is yunho”

“Ah, yes Yunho-sshi, my name is Jaejoong.”
“Yeah, I know…” mumbled me “Huh?”

“Ah, no. It’s weird right? We didn’t even know each other named but we have already a dinner promise together tomorrow” I said smoothly hiding my happiness.

“Yeah, it is.” He said “Well, I think I need to pay for this. Thank you and I am sorry once again Yunho-sshi” once again he said with some uneasiness.

“Ah sure” I said while he walked away from me, and I am watching his back to the cashier. I saw him looked back and bowing at me after he paid his grocery, before walked out.

I then paid my drink, and walked out with so much happiness. I was really happy because I could meet Jaejoong unexpected and I was really forgetting the reason why I couldn’t meet Jaejoong in the café before.


In Yoochun’s Café

“You want to have a lunch?” Yoochun asked made junsu jumped in surprise.

Its just junsu in the changing room (staff room) before and he didn’t hear the sounds of the door being opened. He turned around and looked at Yoochun who have a small smile on.

“Ah, yes Yoochun-sshi” he said then looked down just to saw his half naked body, his eyes widen he was changing his uniform before, blushing he turned around once again and hurriedly put his shirt on.

Yoochun just watching the blushing guy’s milky white half naked body being covered with the white shirt, and said “Would you like to have a lunch with me?”

Junsu still blushing turned around again, this time a confused expression came along “Eh?”

Smiling Yoochun repeated his question again “Would you like to have a lunch with me, junsu?”

“Eh, why?” asked junsu bluntly.

Yoochung chuckling and said “Of course because I am hungry, and I want you to eat with me, so?”

“Su-sure” said Junsu.
“Good, let’s go” said Yoochun as he held out his hand to junsu. Junsu took yoochun’s hand shyly.


“What do you want to eat?”
“I don’t know what about you?” asked Junsu as he looking around really aware at everyone’s stare at them.

“Look they’re really cute together, that guy really handsome while the other one really cute” whisper a girl to her friend who was nodding.

“Umma, they’re really cute, will I like them too when I have my husband? Like Umma and Appa too”. A little girl asked her mother.

Junsu’s face went really red hearing the whispers from every one who passed by, and reddens even more when he heard a couple quarrelling.

“Hey, why don’t you hold my hand like him holding his boyfriend’s hand?” said the girl
“What, it’s just embarrassing!” said his boyfriend back.
“What! So you said it’s embarrassing to walk with me?”
“What! No no, it’s not what I said..argh!” said the boy and then he took the girl’s hand and pull him, while the girl smiling widely.

Junsu looked at his hand that intertwining with yoochun’s. Yoochun didn’t let junsu’s hand go even when they’re already outside the café, and neither junsu want to let go the warmness of yoochun’s hand. But remembering the couple’s quarrel before about holding each other’s hand junsu thought ‘We are not a couple to begin with’

Just when junsu loosen his hand wanting to let go, yoochn spoke “What about Japanese food?” he pointed at the Japanese restaurant across the road.

“Sounds good to me” said Junsu, and then yoochun pull junsu and they’re walked to the restaurant while Junsu decide just to let yoochun pulled him.

Hi, what about this chapter? Tell me what do you think before answer the poll :D

Oh and i am sorry but since i saw the amounts of the comments in the last chapter really not balanced with the number of visitors, i decide to make this poll
I am thinking to delete the story

Poll The secret

But for donud and aleen94 that still commenting in the last chapter, you can decide if you want to keep reading or not, so even the poll result to be I stop writing the fic, if you still want to read. I could sent you the story via lj message or email. :)

yunho, chaptered, jaejoong, fanfic: the secret, tvxq, yunjae

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