That Raining Times

Oct 30, 2011 16:37

Title: The Raining Times
Pairing: YeWon (Yesung x Siwon)
Genre: romance, AU
Lenght: One Shot (really short)
Rating: PG 13
Warning Unbetaed

Summary: That raining time, when I saw him

I looked at the raining; it’s my bad luck forgetting to take an umbrella with me. It’s always like this for the past weeks. Okay I admit it, it’s not a bad luck, I just couldn’t make myself remember to take an umbrella.

I looked at some people that waiting for the rain stop like me. I saw one particular person, for these past weeks when ever I waited for raining, there were always different people with me, but this guy.

It seemed like he always forgetting to bring an umbrella like me. One time, two times I didn’t notice but now, I could easily spot him. He was extremely handsome and tall. Really different from me that short.

I was too falling into my own thought that I didn’t notice I was staring at him and that’s when that guy looked at me. Our eyes met each other, and as a shy guy as I was, I jerk away my face from him blushing because getting caught starring.

I stole a glance at him, and he stills looking at me, smiling. I don’t know if my face could go more red and hot from now, but it was surely can. When the rain stopped I quickly took my way to get away from that guy’s sight.


Today like yesterday and the past weeks, I was here waiting patiently for raining. And like a habit I search for the handsome guy. And to my disappointed I didn’t see him. I looked down and let out a sigh. That’s when I heard the voice behind me.

“Do you mind share an umbrella with me?” said the husky voice
I turned around just to come face to face with the one I search.

“I am sorry if I act like I know you, but well we technically know each other right?” said him chuckling while holding a white umbrella “We had saw each other for a month now” he said.

I just couldn’t get my voice to come out because of the surprised, that the handsome guy before me was talking at me. Because my quiet, the guy getting uncomfortable his smile slowly fading. “Err, was it just me that notice you? Oh well…”

“No! I- I- Me too, I always notice you” cut me and then blushing. The other guy smiling wider “So, what do you think? We were not a really stranger to share an umbrella right?”

“Ah yes” I said, then he opened his umbrella and we began to walk. We were chating random thing, when the rain stopped. The guy closed his umbrella.

Smiling, I face him and said “Thank you er..”

“Siwon, my name is siwon”

“Ah yes, thank you siwon-sshi. It is really weird right, we had saw each other and even talking while sharing an umbrella but we didn’t even know each other’s name” I said

“Hahaha yeah that’s right” he said

“Well, I take my way from here. Thank you for the umbrella siwon-sshi” I said
“Your welcome” he said, and then I walked away from him, when I heard

“See you soon yesung-sshi”

Shocked I turned around just to see no one.

‘How does he know my name?’ I asked my self since I clearly remember I didn’t mention my name before.

I shrug my shoulder and turned to walk again.

Smiling ‘Well I’ll ask him next time’ I thought, referring he said he will see me again.

I walked with a happy mood as I saw the light slowly crept out of behind the clouds.



Hi, it's really a long time since i update YeWon story right?
what do you think? Am i lost my touch?
comment please.

yesung, super junior, yewon, siwon, fanfic: the raining times, one shot

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