
Jan 16, 2007 23:39

I hit a wall really hard while sledding today. I think I may have cracked a rib. Fucking intertubes that you can't steer. Asprin rocks. other than that today was grand. Lots and lots of sledding and then pizza in the snow. I fell asleep while amelia was over though and I felt bad. I kept falling asleep and then waking up in my basement for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I'm going to bed. ps. the more I think about it, the more i realize that I will most likely be attending Northern Arizona next year. I'll be more sure if I pull off a c in calc and get the WUE. My dad is overjoyed. I hate taking the easy way out, but i smooths over the college conflict with my dad and seeing how he is paying for quite a bit of my college, it would make mroe sense to go to a school that he likes and will cost him alot less money. He is buying plane tickets for pheonix for me to visit the week after finals.
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