Mar 11, 2012 21:55
When I was younger, I used to hate Valentine's Day. Up until recently, I'd only ever been in long distance relationships, so being without them on that day made me feel lonely. It was even worse when I was alone because I felt unlovable, especially after a breakup.
That being said though, I never thought of Valentine's Day as a "commercial holiday". I only hated it because I was jealous of those who had someone to spend the day with, someone to love them all year round. I honestly believed I'd end up alone with an army of cats in my old age - I thought I was hideous and not girly enough for a boy to even think of me as more than a friend. But all of that changed three years ago when I met my other half.
Since then, I've enjoyed Valentine's Day. Yes, some might call me biased for the very reasons I once hated Valentine's Day myself. "It's okay for you - you have someone to spend it with!" Although that's true, I think it has a lot more to do with the relationship I have with my other half.
We're a very healthy couple, unlike most our age. We're simply happy in each other's company - we don't have to fill the void by doing something exciting or keeping the conversation going. Just going food shopping or curling up in bed together watching TV is enjoyable because we're doing it together. Of course, another thing that's helped us get along is our views on relationships and sex. We're a very old-fashioned, traditional couple in that sense.
We see Valentine's Day like our Anniversary - it's another day where we can have a day to ourselves, being all lovey-dovey. Sure, we might do a little extra for each other on those days, but that's just because we can. I'm sure if we could, we'd be like that all year round. But what counts is that we let each other know just how much we love each other all the time, and that's what a healthy couple should do.
So to summarise, yes, I do like Valentine's Day and I think all of the hate is rather unjustified. You wait until you find the right person, then you'll realise how little Valentine's Day matters - it's just an excuse to spend more time with the person you love, and that's not bad, is it? ^_^