- It is very much what we call ‘preaching to the converted’. Making you comfortable in your own little warm corner.
- The question I want to ask Fr Raphael is: where exactly does he locate the ‘tradition’ (13) and ‘traditions’ (12) of which he speaks? Once we leave aside Scripture and the canons, we find ourselves on shifting sands, with great difficulty in knowing whether ‘your’ tradition and ‘my’ tradition are really the same thing. I feel even more unsafe when I hear ‘The fathers say’ (here only in the mouth of the interviewer), which can mean very quickly ‘Someone said somewhere’.
- Экуменизм не имеет оснований и аналогов в истории Церкви, и несовместим с канонами Церкви. (8) I don’t follow the ‘no analogy’ and ‘incompatible with the canons of the Church’ argument. Is God bound by what has gone before or by the canons of the Church?
- но вопрос о пребывании благодати в инославных общинах и у раскольников подразумевает именно спасающую (совершительную) благодать, которая действует только в Единой Православной Церкви. This sounds dubious logic to me. He is right that the question presupposes the existence (at least theoretical) of спасающую (совершительную) благодать, but it does not logically presuppose its actual existence in the Single Orthodox Church.
I can only say that I wish I could actually see a little more of the вечной красоты of the Church (15).
Continue to pray for each other. Bishop has not read my letter yet...
I have read this through a couple of times.
- It is very much what we call ‘preaching to the converted’. Making you comfortable in your own little warm corner.
- The question I want to ask Fr Raphael is: where exactly does he locate the ‘tradition’ (13) and ‘traditions’ (12) of which he speaks? Once we leave aside Scripture and the canons, we find ourselves on shifting sands, with great difficulty in knowing whether ‘your’ tradition and ‘my’ tradition are really the same thing. I feel even more unsafe when I hear ‘The fathers say’ (here only in the mouth of the interviewer), which can mean very quickly ‘Someone said somewhere’.
- Экуменизм не имеет оснований и аналогов в истории Церкви, и несовместим с канонами Церкви. (8) I don’t follow the ‘no analogy’ and ‘incompatible with the canons of the Church’ argument. Is God bound by what has gone before or by the canons of the Church?
- но вопрос о пребывании благодати в инославных общинах и у раскольников подразумевает именно спасающую (совершительную) благодать, которая действует только в Единой Православной Церкви. This sounds dubious logic to me. He is right that the question presupposes the existence (at least theoretical) of спасающую (совершительную) благодать, but it does not logically presuppose its actual existence in the Single Orthodox Church.
I can only say that I wish I could actually see a little more of the вечной красоты of the Church (15).
Continue to pray for each other. Bishop has not read my letter yet...
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