I love that today is my last day this week!

Sep 30, 2010 15:47

HOLLER. I don't know how I am ever going to transition back into working all day 5 days a week. I looove this whole back to school thing. My cluster class has been strangely VERY easy; I was prepared for it to be an INSANE amount of work. Not really hard, just time consuming. It has just been…easy and NOT time consuming lol.

So I have been contemplating switching my major to Elementary Education. I mean just toying with the idea. It would SUCK because I would be taking Chem this semester and taken Meteorology this past summer for no reason. It’s not really a time thing, it’s a money thing. I would only have to take 3 classes every semester and not have to take any classes in the summer. It would take me the same amount of time. Right now I have to take 4 classes a semester and at least one class during every summer. That’s 6 more classes I have to pay for. Bah. I dunno. I’m not really sure how the hell I am supposed to know what I want to do. I like the idea of work sheets and name tags, fun morning routines and just being more creative in general. I dunno tho. I would be scared to teach kids how to read. I think I am going to contact the lady I observed at Ladue this summer to come in a observe some more. Maybe go in on Fridays. I want to see every grade.

So I got to go through some of coaches stuff and clean it out. I recycled SO MUCH PAPER that it is INSANE. I am talkin’ he had paperwork from 2004. 7 years ago people. Well, almost. It’s not 2011 yet. It gave me something to do for the past hour too! Very exciting. I am going to drag the box down while he is in class. Make me feel a LOT better. I like doing things.

I am thinkin about hittin the road soon. We have class at some school tonight closer to home, so I can run home first. Which is good. Esp because I am going to leave in about 10 minutes. Woot! Dinner and Pup! Yaaay!

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