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But a tyrant spell has bound me, And I cannot, cannot go. [Suits] Mike/Harvey (2/2) corsykitty October 21 2011, 09:18:48 UTC
Every single thing in his pack was strewn across the icy rock covered in a layer of half-frozen saliva, and all of his packages of emergency food were ripped to shreds. He'd stared at the wreckage for a minute, forlorn and shivering in earnest, before sighing and telling himself he was a Jedi, he could deal with a little bear spit. Really. Mike made quick work of packing everything away, making sure that the device both worked and was actually on, and set out to find those caves.

A few hours later, he had known he was lost. While yes, he knew how to navigate by the stars, that required the ability to see them - something that he couldn't currently do thanks to thick, unbroken cloud cover. The temperature had dropped so extremely that he'd given up on trying to hide his position by not drawing on the Force and was using it liberally to keep himself alive and moving. Even so, his knees ached with what he just knew was going to be a spectacular set of bruises, and his arms were scraped to hell from elbow to wrist from catching himself after tripping on rocks hidden in the snow. He was sure he'd been wandering in circles for hours.

That, of course, was when the Sith found him.

Mike glared across the (gloriously warm) fire at the Sith. The Sith smirked right back.

“Aren't you supposed to, you know, kill me?” he asked sulkily. The smirk actually got bigger. Mike hadn't thought that was possible.

“Of course I am. It's not exactly fun to kill you when you're half-dead, though, is it? Too easy,” he scoffed.

Mike manfully refrained from rolling his eyes, reminding himself that he was a Jedi now, he couldn't indulge in such childish behavior. No matter how satisfying it would be.

“So you saved me to kill me?”

“Like I said. Too easy.”

“I'm not easy! You're just a Sith, I could take you any time, half-frozen or not,” Mike blustered, and the Sith raised one perfectly shaped eyebrow.

“Is that so?” he asked, voice practically a purr. Mike swallowed hard, but nodded, sticking to his guns. The Sith slid off his seat, graceful as a big cat and every bit as deadly. Mike shivered with nerves and the cold, back stiffening and lifting his chin as his enemy padded softly to his side. He stared up into the hard brown eyes from what seemed both a vast distance and far too close.

He was upright and against the wall of the cave behind him, black glove-clad hand clenched tight around his throat before he had time to suck in a breath. His head spun lightly from the abrupt impact with the cavern wall, small dark spots dancing across his vision. The fingers flexed, cutting off his air just long enough to prove his point before easing back to a light grip, a threat. Mike was trembling and he could feel the flush burn in his cheeks, but he jutted his jaw forward arrogantly anyway.

“So what? I can still take you,” Mike said.

The dark eyes flashed and the Sith surged forward, lips dragging roughly across Mike's, teeth catching on his lower lip. Mike gasped in surprise, hands clutching at the dark cloth of his opponent's tunic, but he didn't push him away. He dragged the dark-haired man closer, kissing back just as fiercely, determined to beat him if only at this.

The Sith pulled away what felt like an eternity later and stared into Mike's eyes, warm breath brushing over the Jedi's lips as he panted.

He smirked.

Mike glared.

He patted Mike's cheek and backed away, retreating to his side of the fire and pulling out a package of food. Mike stayed propped up against the wall, shivering eased after the close encounter, knees too weak to make his way back to the fireside without making a fool of himself. A second package of food impacted the ground in front of his former seat, sending up a cascade of glittering ice crystals, and Mike sighed.

“Damn it.”


Re: But a tyrant spell has bound me, And I cannot, cannot go. [Suits] Mike/Harvey (2/2) ienablu October 21 2011, 16:11:05 UTC

*at the moment. I will probably flail at you later.


Re: But a tyrant spell has bound me, And I cannot, cannot go. [Suits] Mike/Harvey (2/2) corsykitty October 21 2011, 16:31:17 UTC
Wahahaha! I got a papery hug gif! :D Glad you liked it!

Flailing welcomed. XD


Re: But a tyrant spell has bound me, And I cannot, cannot go. [Suits] Mike/Harvey (2/2) ienablu October 21 2011, 19:11:54 UTC

This is a Suits Star Wars AU. And you put in everything. Everything. From wall shoving to asphyxiation (which is one of my favorite combinations ever) to aggression to Hoth! Except it's not Hoth, it's an even colder planet than Hoth. And Jedi!Mike makes me happy, but Harvey as a Sith? ldshflashfasdfasas! Does that mean Sith!Harvey lures Jedi!Mike over to the Dark Side?



Re: But a tyrant spell has bound me, And I cannot, cannot go. [Suits] Mike/Harvey (2/2) corsykitty October 22 2011, 03:44:58 UTC
Yesss. XD Because Harvey is a lawyer and everyone knows that lawyers are evil. So he keeps putting off killing Mike for abitrary reasons and the next thing Mike knows, he's a Sith and it's all Harvey's fault and they run around torturing Louis and making Jessica proud and in general making the universe a better place to live.


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