Five Acts Meme, round five

Oct 14, 2011 13:12

hosted by the fantastic toestastegood
(I will never stop loving this macro)

The Rules:
- Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks/tropes to read about. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
- Link to your list in the master post.
- Post comment-fic based off of other's peoples lists.
- Round Five will last October 14 - October 21

My List:
- hurt. I like my characters bruised, I like my characters bloody, I especially like my characters near to freezing (I watched the Hoth part of The Empire Strikes Back at an impressionable age). Comfort afterwards is fine, but since I tend to like stoic and emotionally repressed characters, it's not necessary. Mostly, I just want characters bruised.
- being shoved against walls. My bulletproof kink. I don't care if it's sexual, during a confrontation, or completely without context; as long as there is one character shoving another against a wall, I will be very happy.
- erotic asphyxiation. My almost-bulletbroof kink. Also does not necessarily mean sex, one character trying to choke the other is perfectly sexy by itself.
- Star Wars. I could try and say this in a roundabout way (I grew up with the movies, love them, and I'm not really in the Star Wars fandom, I love seeing my current series set in that universe, with the settings, political climate and technology of the movie trilogies) but I'm going to come out and say it: I want lightsaber battles. I don't care what the context is, I don't care if there even is any context. Just give me two characters having a lightsaber battle and I will love you for the rest of my life. Or Force-choking. Force-choking is good too.
- aggression. It kind of fits in with the rest of the acts, but worth mentioning again. Fighting leading to sex*, fighting leading to any one of the above acts, characters just fighting, I don't care, I just want a punch thrown.

*note: I like foreplay, I like sensuality, and I love sexual tension; but I'd rather have a brief encounter when the UST is hiked up, or a fade to black, or someone interrupting what was becoming A Moment than actual sex.

My Fandoms:
in more or less level of preference:
Crossovers. I don't know if this counts as a fandom, but I don't care. I absolutely adore crossovers. I listed some pairings below, but feel free to write anything from the fandoms listed below.
Supernatural: [s1-s5] Dean/Castiel (Michael!Dean/Castiel, Dean/2014!Castiel, 2014!Dean/2014!Castiel, Novakcest-verse Deanstiel/Jacob), Lillith!Ruby/Sam, s3!Ruby/Sam, John!Michael/Mary*, Dean Smith/Brady, Dr. Sexy/Dean, Ed/Corbett, Adam/Jo, Jesse/Ben, Claire/Jesse, Jo/s4!Ruby
Suits: Mike/Harvey
Merlin: Nimueh/Merlin, Merlin/Gwen, Arthur/Merlin, Cenred/Morgause*, Arthur/Nimueh, Gwen/Morgana [note: haven't started s4 yet]
Inception: Arthur/Cobb, Arthur/Mal, Arthur/Cobb/Mal, Eames/Mal*, Eames/Yusuf, Eames/Fischer
Doctor Who: Doctor/Master (Ten/Simm or Eleven/Cumberbatch), Jack/Rose, Jack/River, Jack/Eleven, Eleven/Kazran**, Eleven/any guy (except Rory), Ten/Christina de Souza, Donna/Being Awesome, Martha/Being Awesome, River/anyone [note: haven't seen s6 yet]
Torchwood: Jack/Owen, Jack/John, Gwen/Rhys, PC Andy/Sophie (from the 'Bay of the Dead' fanfic novel)
Harry Potter: James/Sirius, (young) Dumbledore/Grindelwald
Red Eye: Jackson/Lisa Force-choking?
Sherlock: best with crossovers, but I ship John/Sherlock, Mycroft/Being Awesome
Firefly: best with crossovers, but I ship Inara/Simon, Zoe/Wash

crossover pairings: Eames/Malcolm Reynolds, Fischer/Inara, Mycroft+Saito, Mal/the Master(/the Doctor), Eleven/Ariadne, Christina de Souza/asexual!Sherlock, 2014!Dean/Martha Jones, River/Inara, River/anyone, Jack/anyone, Eleven/any guy ever (except Team Free Will), men that look good in suits/other men that look good in suits. I am so easy to please when it comes to crossovers. Give me two characters talking, and I will be happy.

* indicates the rarepairs I very rarely see but am especially fond of.
** somebody write me Eleven/Kazran please.

Written By Me:
» Supernatural-Inception, Jo/Ariadne, sharing, cars, apocalypse for pann-cake
» Inception, Arthur/Cobb, formal clothing for defiant-deviant
» Supernatural, Lucifer/Ruby, touching for joyyjpg
» Suits, Harvey/Mike, (SPN) AU for _bluebells
» Suits-Supernatural, Mike/Adam, AU, crossover, h/c for ladyknightanka
» Merlin, Arthur/Merlin, falling, restraint for solarbaby614
» Torchwood/Doctor Who, Owen/Martha, Owen/Jack, scars/marks, touching for ozmissage
» Supernatural, Sam/Brady, conflict for insertcode11
and working on nine more

one two three four five six seven eight fics, 410 657 877 1156 2171 2774 2999 3498 words, two three four five six fandoms «

Written For Me:
» [Sherlock] Sherlock/John wallsex from heeroluva
» [SPN] Michael!Dean/Castiel Star Wars, wall-shoving and aggression from princess_aleera
» [SPN] Dean Smith/Brady wall-shoving and aggression from wandersfound
» [DW] Eleven/Jack, hurt from setos_puppy
» [SPN] John!Michael/Mary, aggression, wall-shoving, hurt from _bluebells
» [Suits] Mike/Harvey hurt, wall-shoving, asphyxiation, aggression Star Wars AU from corsykitty
[jfc how are you all so wonderful?]

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