Disclaimer: I am not making any monetary profit by writing this. I do not own anything related to the Star Trek franchise besides a Blu-ray movie, a few novels, and an audio book. Oh, but if I did…
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She is nothing remotally like TOS Uhura. Yes, I know it's reboot and she's young and inexperinced and everything, but there's not very much of her older self IN her, if that makes any sense. Also, as others have pointed out, in the show she was a woman who didn't need a romance to diefine her, both as a woman, or realting to her role on the show. In reboot however, her romance with Spock IS what defines her to viewers. She displays very little of her langauge skills, her compatance as a trained Starfleet Officer,and, to furthur top it off, her main role seems to be "the girlfriend". If Uhura wasn't involved with Spock, even if JJ introudced it in a sequal, she would still be seen as more then the romantic girl, she would be more fleashed out as a charcter, so more people would see the woman she was meant to be. But, as it is, she's not.
This movie is not about Uhura. It is the origin of Spock and Kirk, but she is the most important character after them.
Your argument is that New Uhura is nothing like TOS Uhura. And you act like that's a bad thing. I recall that Nichelle Nichols spent 3 years and six movies with no first name, no plots, and no characterization. She got to do more in the films, but she was never a three-dimensional character. That fact that Saldana got more to do is *fantastic.*
You are determined to pursue your illogical thinking no matter what evidence is presented. The only thing I have against you and the original poster is your inability to form a coherent, internally consistent argument.
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