May 12, 2004 01:40
i mentioned some stuff about live journal to my sister and anyways she went on it and found stuff. so now she probably knows i have one. she'll know a lot more about me if she reads this than she does now. that would be really funny. lisa, if you are reading this don't tell me you are. deal with it. i don't like you. you say mean and hurtful things. you think they are funny but they aren't. wait, i know my mood says loved and i will get to that. i told nathan about me having sex on friday. he wasn't mad. he said he loves me and he knows he can't be there for me so he understands. then we 'defined' what we are to each other. more than just friends. i am his tortilla. he is so sweet. i love him. but he isn't here. we aren't a couple. i spent money at work today. stuff was being marked down and i got first pick. muahahahaha. i got a new bra, bunny costume(hey it was $9 regular $60), red corset(regular $75 and i got it for $9), fishnets, undies, and on my break i went and bought two shirts and bright pinks tights from another store. the shirts, bra, thigh highs, and undies i will wear, as for everything else i couldn't pass up a sale. i have two finals tomorrow. and then i am gonna try to go to deep ellum for a show. emo music. mmm. emo boys. vicksta.
oh hey i won last weeks contest at my store. yay me.