On icons and tv-shows

Nov 16, 2008 21:58

Truth is, sometimes I miss you so much
I can hardly stand it
(Brokeback Mountain)

Some icons from two of my favourite fandoms:

001-015: The Dark Knight (I want that movie in DVD NOW)
016-034: Starsky & Hutch

I guess most of you have heard of Starsky & Hutch at one point or another of their lifes. That show is... epic. In my opinion, one of the best ever produced. No, it's not like LOST, whose plot and cliffhangers doesn't make you sleep at night, nor is similar to 24, that leaves you gaping on your chair in anxiety... This specific show's strenght can be found in the relationship between the main characters: the black haired, childish and always hungry Starsky and the blond, gentle and sometimes sarcastic Hutch. They're completely different and yet deeply connected. At this time, I still haven't found a single show in which a male friendship is portrayed in such a strong way. Indeed, some people describe it as something more than friendship and I stand open to both the different interpretations, since they were never really denied.

I could speak hours about this show, but I guess most of what there's to say can be found here (Starsky and Hutch Canon Compendium). As for the characters, take a look at :

- The Comfort Zone. Unfortunately you have to save the vids to be able to see them... but Late in the Evening is worth it! Great Paul Simon's song + Seventies-atmosphere + Starsky & Hutch at their best = perfection!).

- Enednoviel's fanvideos;. Some of them are slashy in content, but nothing that couldn't be taken as a show of friendship on both parts. Superman, for example, is a vid about Hutch and the words of the song seems to be speaking about him... Another vid I like is Lucky, a close up on the way Starsky & Hutch interact with each other.

And now back to the icons. Not many of them, but I'm working on it ;)

As always, please credit if taking and pleeeease, do not hotlink! :) Thank you!

The Dark Knight001002003004




Starsky & Hutch016017018019 





links, tv-shows, starsky & hutch, fanvid, icons, the dark knight

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