Don't have the time to do a fancy review this time :( Might add pics later... [ETA: Now with pics and 20% more content... ;) ]
Pilot: 5/10
Harry Has a Wife: 7/10
Don't Wanna Die: 9/10 (to give me a lil space upwards)
Sound of a Strap: 8/10
Tears Bring Harry: 7/10
Where’s the Line: 6/10
Everyone's a Hostage to Somebody: 9/10
In the Dark: 7/10
Stairways to Perceptions: 9/10
I appreciate both Ben boxing (hmmmm), as well as finally seeing what caused his DID. Loved how they intercut both. Though man, that's beyond horrible.
Ben boxing = hawtness!
Cool case that tied into Ben's backstory about blocking out memory. Called the twist a weeeee bit before it was revealed, but still well played. Especially since I totally bought the father as another abusive dad until almost the end. How utterly tragic to try and save your family and end up having two innocent guys sent to prison, one of whom commits suicide, to THEN be faced with the fact that your own daughter thinks you capable of killing her sister. Yes, the mom and dad are bastards for letting two young guys spent more than 20 years in prison for nothing, but I still kinda feel for the dad in an odd way.
Again, enjoyed how they played with the format by opening an old case.
I officially like the coroner ;) Sorry for disliking you before, but they tried too hard to make you quirky at first.
Times have indeed changed and asshole!cop can't rely on nepotism and blind cop cameraderie anymore, yay! What a bastard (and he looks familiar...) Loved Pam, loved Hall, and loved Ben giving him the rest - would not want Ben as an enemy! PWNed!
Great sessions with Doc again - Ben seems to become more dependent on them, visiting him more and more frequently, while Doc seems to be more and more aggressive. Ben's "I want you to judge me." OUCH! He is lost...
Overall, I love how we finally got to see what happened to Ben. Now I kinda fear that the next ep will be tragic considering what it's about....
I miss Ella. She just disappeared - not cool.
- so we were right in our speculation about what happened to Ben - nice building up of the storyline
- and we got Ben's triggers explained here:
the strap, the lightbulb, the asshole!mom, the wrist bindings - only new thing was the swing, which I'm not sure we missed due to Global being assholes or if the chain holding the punching bag was supposed to be the trigger... [ETA: rewatched it and the chain's the trigger]
also likely, asshole!dad being abusive to asshole!mom, calling her names, thus explaining the triggers for Sam
- how sad that Ben doesn't remember the nice lady who rescued him - story for S2? PLZ? (Yeah, still not giving up hope...)
surya74 caught it; she was in Unnatural and Accidental - wonder if CKR has a say in casting?)
meet wee!Ben - nice little continuity with the baseball shirt knowing the finale now ;)
- I feel cheated. This ep seemed... sudden, missing some build-up from the left-out eps, to be sure. Also, another scene in the "previously on" section that we definitely didn't see of Harry waking up in someone's house
- we learn: oatmeal does not equal porridge ;)
- we also learn, CKR tying a tie is damn distracting
- is Ted Child!Ben? Was it the first alter to manifest and did that alter stay until the end on the swing when Ben went with the cop? Seems like it, as we get, uh, "alter sounds" both when his father's beating him and when he's on the swing in the end (saying his real name), also explaining his one-year blackout
hello, Ted! And the alters are complete
- didn't Ted sound like Ivan in "Don't Wanna Die?"
- nice to get more background - so foster family (hopefully nice), military, and then police, probably motivated by the cop who "rescued him", awwww. Wonder why we never heard anything about his foster parents before - dead?
- WHY the suit? Not complaining, mind you, but WHY? Seemed like there was smth in a previous ep, maybe Super's finally going for mayor?
- WTH was up with them burgers??? NASTY!
- Amy and stealing food... what's that about?
And so it begins...