Guess My Meal: Sides

May 16, 2010 22:30

Wild Mushroom Risotto!! yaaaay.....

Ok, I have never had risotto. I have never made risotto. So this thing is brand new to me. I point your attention to the bag o' parmesan. I serious was not even going to buy this and use the big thing of kraft I already have. But that would be in violation to my pact for good and fresh. So I bit the bullet and bought it.

I'm glad I did.

Now the Demi Glace. I've been going back and forth on this. Because it's so ridiculously expensive I thought I should just make it. But to make it you basically have to spend a day and a half on it. So once again I bit the bullet and bought some thinking I should know what it tastes like at least before I try making it.

White truffle oil....another indulgence that I hope to fully utilize.

And away we go.....

Again...aromatics...tasty. I drizzled some truffle oil on it and set it aside. My major mistake was I did not want to clean the pan and start over. So I just threw some more garlic and onion into the pan with some oil and then threw in the aborio. You're supposed to toast that for a little while to get rid of the starch......yeah, while doing that the garlic I had to pick out chunks of burned garlic.

So here is where I was this right?

I threw in the white wine and let that burn off....then I started added cup after cup of chicken stock. I know the consistency is supposed to be creamy yet not mushy. So over low heat I stirred in chicken stock a cup at a time until it is completely absorbed. Over and over again until it was creamy. I think I could've added more though. I added the mushroom mix back into the arborio and then drizzed some more white truffle oil. And glorious glorious parmesan.

I was going to say guess my main dish too but it would just be a rack of lamb. So too easy.

I used some of the demi glace and port wine for a sauce. Not bad.

There is a bite missing out of the one on the bottom. My bad, couldn't wait.

Lamb was very good.
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