An article i think many of you might find interesting --
Raising Children With Secular Values in a Religious World.
A good chunk of this resonated with me, as i was raised not going to church. And yet! i have morals and values! i wouldn't necessarily call myself an atheist, and the 'committed secularist' title has a strange ring to it. i have particular spiritual views, which largely are not based on Jesus, but i came to those views by myself, having looked at different religions, having read a lot.
Anyway. Read the article, deeply religious or atheist or anywhere in between. It's food for thought. i hope it doesn't offend those of faith among you; that certainly isn't my intent. It's just that sometimes it seems that Religious People* forget that people can be good, moral creatures without religion.
*See later comment to
weeping_angel If you'd like to join in the fray, feel free -- but please read the discussion already present before railing against [or supporting?] the article. Choose what you say carefully, because people on either side of the argument tend to get pretty touchy PDQ.