So this morning, like an idiot, I drove off to Atlanta without the beautiful-elixer-of-life-anti-angry-colon pills. I was already running late by the time I realized it, so I figured I'd be ok for one day, and I'd drive back to Athens that night to get them.
So, after work, I go eat a delicious sushi dinner, run by Joanns, Target, TRU, etc, and then head for Athens. Bout half way there, my guts started rumbling, and I pulled over at the QuikTrip for a little emergency bathroom time (and contrary to popular belief, the bathroom was conspiciously lacking in beautiful forests, wildlife, or rippling brooks). Out I jump from the car, slam goes the locked door, and I realize a moment too late that my keys are twinkling happily in the car. Shit.
Fortunately, I've got my wallet, my ATM card, and $4.00. No cell phone.
I go inside, turn my dollars into quarters, and start feeding them into the pay phone. Mom calls AAA, and (incidentally) gives them the wrong address.
So I sit there.
And I sit there.
Two hours pass. In this time, various men have goggled, whistled, shouted rude things, and otherwise been obnoxious. A cop drives by, unhelpfully lets me know that they no longer carry car-opening devices, and wanders aimlessly into the QuikTrip store. Another man drives up, pulls a slim jim from the back of his car, and attempts to jimmy the lock. Hopefully he's got another day job, because as a car thief, he sucked. The cop showed back up, took his turn, and failed equally miserably.
Another drives by in his car, offers to help, but he's wearing rubber gloves. I smile brightly and say, oh no, I'm just fine. No rubber gloves for me, thanks.
Lastly, a tubby red haired fireman shows up, brandishing a coat hanger, and he works at that unfortunate door for quite a long time. He finally gives up, and I trudge back into the QuikTrip.
Mom and I chat again, and I realize that she's sent the AAA guy to the wrong gas station. A few more minutes pass (it's now 10:30, and I locked my keys in my car around 8:00), and a guy shows up. Silly me, I assume its AAA. Then the AAA guy shows up. Turns out the red haired guy, damn him, called this guy, and now I owe $65.
Ah well, at least I got my car. And took my pills.