Worrying statistics

Apr 16, 2007 16:03

I just went to the Prime Minister petition website to sign a petition to prevent Ancient History A level being dropped by the curriculum and discovered a worringly large number of people want creationism to be taught in UK state schools. There were FIVE seperate petitions to this effect, one of which had over 16,000 signatures. There were only two counter petitions, and the largest had only 12,000.
Do the British public really want their children to be taught that Adam and Eve are the literal parents of us all and that evolution is an evil fairy story promoted by servants of Satan?
I'm very worried and more than a little ashamed, I thought as a nation we were more intelligent than that.

omg, things that make you go hmm, rage against the system, rant, facepalm, personal angst, grr, real life

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