You are so lesbian that you can't afford it.
This is one of the comments left on one of
starrose17's youtube videos and also my new favourite comment of the week :D How the hell can you afford lesbianism!? I always thought that I wasn't a lesbian due to the fact that I'm male. I have realised the error of my ways and now know it's because I'm always broke!
sesheta_66 posted an entry about
slashfest i went there just in case there was anything that caught my eye. there is a story in a fandom i have never wrote in before but was contemplating writing a fic for only last night! but i don't know if i should go for it because i suck with deadlines and also have a
hp_rarities fic i will have to write when i get a pairing. i think it'll be something really hard and i'll end up ruining it :\
and my
10_themes story is coming along. sloooooowly but surely.
i had physiotherapy yesterday and the guy doing it looked EXACTLY like my cousin. it was so weird. i knew it was impossible but at times i was thinking "is that him!?" and i forgot to take shorts with me so when i stripped off and was only in boxers, he came up behind me and started touching me all over and of course i forgot where i was and started to bone. i have to go back next week and he's going to talk to my doctors and get me some MRI scans 'n' shit. suck on that, jean.