(no subject)

Apr 28, 2010 20:44

So I got a new layout(made by milou_veronica) so I thought I would celebrate with an actual entry.

Life is good. Classes are DONE DONE DONE

I have a lot of tentative summer plans so far.
1. See Adam Lambert in Toledo(ALREADY HAVE TICKETS OMFG) AND Royal Oaks
2. See Kris Allen at DTE OR this random club in Grand Rapids(this is the preferable option)
3. Go visit the relatives in California
4. Possibly go to NYC with my roommate/other friends
5. Go visit friends at KZoo and possibly Chicago

Also I want to get a second job so I have some retail experience and so I can get money to pay for all of this shit.

Also my roommate thinks my computer is about to die and I really want a new phone. So basically my poor bank account will be crying tears of blood come September

Oh and my schedule for fall term is so excited. A class about the celebrity and how it moved from authors to movie stars(We are studying Johnny Depp LOL). A class on television genres. A class on children literature. A class on illness narratives. And finally an Oceanography class to finish off the last of my normal requirements. (it's seventeen credits though which is kind of scary)

Erm that's about it...

Oh and I am a mod of ontd_barrowman LOL! you all should go join it. We will probably be having a header design contest...you know once we have more then 15 members.

kristopher, school, adumb, barrowmannnn

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