Apr 03, 2006 16:18
It feels like I have completely lost three weeks and do not know where to find them again. Between Spring Break with Kels, Soil Judging in California, and Lynn visiting last week it seems like I have too much to say and not enough time to say it in. Therefore I have prepared a short and concise list which summarizes my life recently:
1. Helped Kelsey make a documentary about Roslyn, in which they filmed Northern Exposure and also where her parents live now.
2. Got my first pedicure. My toes are now painted a reddish brown that I hope resembles my favorite soil mineral: ferrihydrite.
3. Went to California for Soil Judging Contest trip.
4. Got a tan and 23rd place. My team ended up with fourth place though. Out of 21. UofI Soil Judging Rocks!!!
5. Lynn came to visit last week and acquired both migraines (due to a wrong contact prescription) and two crushes (one on my English professor and one on Josh's long haired rocker friend Brock).
6. Josh met my parents, who succeeded in getting him sort of tipsy (even though he doesn't usually drink). This is further proof that my parents spread vices. Now there is vile talk of grandchildren from them. (shudder).
I swear that I will update more regularly. I swear it on my mother's drunken life.
P.S. Weirdest scenario ever: Both your mother and your boyfriend go shopping with you for your graduation outfit and comment on how muscular your legs have gotten. I should just shoot myself.