I realised I haven't posted much LJ recently; probably because I found out my dad reads it (ooer); so i might post this as friends only. unfortunately, this would mean some of my best friends who are non-LJ can't read it. Oh well.
So how's things with me? Well, I got my Yellow Sign character, which is awesome, and now need to buy some costume (assembly rooms?) - will probably cost a fair bit. But oh well, it's not every day you get to roleplay in the 1930's, and to be honest, its not like i'm not gonna wear the stuff I buy all the time anyway (translation; i enjoy wearing 1930's style costume in every-day situations...). Also, my name, as the more astute among you will have read from the column on the left, is Virgil Newbury, which is AWESOME! The rest of my character is currently *SECRET* in the traditional paranoia style, so not much more to say on that in a semi-public medium. Needless to say, however, that i'm definitely looking forward to it.
Another thing I'm looking forward to is the Opera, but I really can't write much more about it aside from I still need to buy a ticket... oh well.
What else has been going on? Well, i've kept up the swimming.. And the pizzetta. Today's Hunter: the Vigil game was a bit of a weird one, considering WE DIDN'T ACTUALLY PLAY. Damn Alastair for not showing up. Mind you, we did attend another game's wedding in lieu of it, also, talked an awful lot about Magic: the Gathering. Which is a topic I don't often talk about here, strangely. As many of you readers may indeed know, I am currently running a mtg league, which involves everyone opening a load of packs and keeping them separate from their collections, and builidng/trading for an 'in-league' deck built only from cards opened in the league. This creates a cool limited environment where everyone is theoretically on equal ground, but not limited to the weakish decks that things like drafts produce. It also allows for deck development over a number of weeks, which is cool. I have two decks in this Shards of Alara league, a Bant deck with no Exalted in it (but lots of awesome stuff like 4x Rhox War Monk, 4x Courier's Capsule, 4x Wild Nacatl), and a monoblack deck (curiously, the only 'non-shard' deck in the league), which is weaker but awesome in a Zombie Apocalypse sort of way.
To change the subject completely, umm, valentine's day this weekend? I will be sending a card, but speculation as to who is pointless and will be ignored... Also this weekend, Medieval: Total VIP, which could go either way (on the fun:unfun scale), and One-Shots, still not ready (DAMN DAMN DAMN). I say medieval could be unfun mostly because I'm really not au fait with the setting or system yet (it is run so infrequently!), and I really will probably end up monstering (gotta get some credits) unless it is a half-and-half, in which case meh...
I could probably do with getting a tabard of some description if i'm playing, so maybe I'm going to town later this week. I dunno... I guess I'm just more interested in my Far Shores character at the moment (total: 83xp!), so monstering every other system for the credits makes sense.
Then again, do people find it annoying that Rak Khan goes on every farshores linear? I'm just grinding, really :D (That reminds me, still got a shitload of xp to spend).
Continuing on the LARP front, I think the week after valentine's is Obsidian Arcana, which is another system i'm a bit meh for atm; the setting interests me a lot, but the linears don't really explore much of the area my character (a zeppelin engineer) is interested in, so I tend to just monster again. I did buy an awesome blue leather jacket cheap from the assembly rooms for him (a little small, but oh well), so I hope I don't drop too far behind in XP to make playing difficult. You do get player xp for monstering in OA, so its not like he's in total hibernation.
madfae, the system ref/designer for OA, says there will be an OA social in the future, set on a zeppelin, which will be awesome as hell. Looking forward to that if it ever goes ahead.
Erm, run out of topics? I don't think so! I spent some time today after I burned out of writing futurama stuff writing part of a system I intend to use to run .hack tabletop roleplaying. It is based on 2dX dice class rolls, so at a basic level you roll 2d2 for an ability check and at a high level you can get up to stuff like 2d10 or 2d12. Basically you take your stat, double it, and roll two dice of that size. Rolls are either made against a difficulty class, or opposed; similar to D20, but with no modifiers; there might be gear that grants rerolls or increased dice class or something, but essentially no adding or subtracting. I was initially pointed towards Ironclaw (by
magic_obsessed), but there is too much in that system I don't really like, (like taking the highest of a roll instead of adding), and significantly too much furry stuff :D
On a slightly surreal and subjective note, I don't like d10s that much. They are usually marked wrongly (from 0-9 rather than 1-10), and aren't a nice platonic solid. So really, while I'm fine using them for other people's games, they put me off running World of Darkness for myself. I saw something on teh interwebz where someone suggested using d12s instead, counting 10-12 as a success rather than 8-10 on a d10. I worry though that people will think that's slightly odd, and turn up to a WoD game expecting to use d10s. Mind you, I was thinking about using WoD to run The Matrix, and then something like 'using d12s instead' might get people out of the Vampire/Werewolf/whatever mindframe.
OK, I actually have run out of things to say in this marathon LJ post, i'm gonna leave now... have found a great dice retailer online :S :D